NDemand affiliates


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Does anybody here use Ndemand affiliate network?
I applied I think a year ago or so and never heard back from them and totally forgot I even applied untill now.
Just now I receive an emaill out of nowhere saying welcome and this msg below

Upon reviewing your application, we'd like to extend to you our warmest welcome to NDemand Affiliates network.

This seems extremely strange and suss. I also just tried replying to the actual email they sent me at Affiliates@ndemandaffiliates.com and i got a permanent failure cant deliver this mssg email .

Anybody experience this or use this network?

Something has been going on with accounts getting duplicated there lately.

I received approval emails for a 2nd account last week and now a 3rd account today, but I never signed up for additional accounts.

I emailed Mike Pacheco the first time it happened his reply was "sorry somehow your account was duplicated".
It's not duplicate accounts.

They are email spamming affiliates, and aren't smart enough to check their own lists to see if they are mailing people multiple times.

I have never applied to this network (or any network in 3 years), and just got accepted through an old email account that has been resold all over the affiliate industry.
Interesting. Now that I think of it I went through my inbox and see no emails from them at all as in if i had previously applied I would have gotten a welcome email or your account is being considered email which i usualy never delete.

I just assumed I applied but now Im thinking I never applied and just got spammed.
I have never applied to this network (or any network in 3 years), and just got accepted through an old email account that has been resold all over the affiliate industry.

Exact same thing happened to me. I was just "approved" as well. Super old email address.
Could it be that Mike Pacheco is lying?

Surely Mike Pacheco doesn't think this is good business or good for his network. What sort of affiliates can one hope to attract with email spam?

Who (besides Mike Pacheco) would do this, and think affiliates wouldn't figure it out?
yeah, I got the same thing.

First email they called me "Nathan" which is, like, oh my god, so not like, you know.. my name?

Second email they got it right.

But I don't even remember applying and their offers sucked.

Got exactly the same thing. What kind of "network" uses stolen data to spam affiliates and expects it not to get out. Wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole and suggest that others don't either.
I got 3 emails in the last week saying I was accepted. 2 were using my first name and one was "Vivian"

I didn't even get a phone call to confirm any of the applications so he definitely isn't checking for fraud and/or has no clue what he is doing.

what makes me LOL is when you load the ndemand affiliates website it says:

"We are currently no longer accepting applications from non referrals and referrer has to be currently doing more than $1k a week with us to be looked at , all other applicants will be denied"

Mike Pacheco runs nDemand affiliates. Mike Pacheco must think its cool to spam affiliates.
I got 2 emails saying "I signed up" - I send an email about it to Pacheco this morning...cuz I never signed up to nothing...this is straight up spam

And no surprise..."Pee-sack Lattin" endorses NDemand ... "If you haven’t already heard, my friend Mike Pacheo, aka “Affiliate King”...."
They opened a thread promoting their shitty network here a while ago and I asked them how on earth did they got my email and who gave them permission to pitch me. They got all defensive and dodged the question. So this spam is nothing new. They've been doing that for a while. They also ad spam shitty(and not so shitty) affiliate sites with their banners, so they don't look that disgusting.

Preaproving a list of affiliates you bough? Are you fucking kidding me?
Feels like a misguided attempt at getting some affiliates active using easy/stupid tactic with an exit strategy (The 'oops sorry tech issue' bs)
Funny thing though, they aren't even trying that exit strategy.

I guess it worked and they got enough people interested and joining up to their shit of a network.
