Nazis on parade

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New member
Apr 2, 2007
This is a story that I gave the world and since it has finally been reported on international news, I figured I might as well give it to you all to have some fun with.

Thai school apologizes to Jewish organization for Nazi celebration - International Herald Tribune

Nazi Sluts Dancing

Singing Nazi Songs

Nazi Girl

Nazi Soldiers

I got a mention on the original press release, but the link wasn't clickable and Google ain't gonna give me any love. I guess you can't win them all.

Hmmm... seems odd.

I remember we once dressed as Romans at school, and did stuff not dissimilar to the above (on a much smaller scale), and I'm guessing the Americans maybe re-enacted their civil war in some way. The second world war is much more recent though, and while there are still survivors it can't be completely consigned to the pages of history. Although I don't doubt that some day it will be viewed in the same way as... well, the First World War and all the horrific conflicts that preceded it.

Thailand has never been occupied by a foreign power so maybe they see things a bit differently to countries who have been conquered, maybe... I do think more focus should be put on the fact that while some schools can put on this lavish spectacle, many other kids in Thailand (and worldwide) are going without even the basics of education.
Yeah but see, they're not dressed AS nazis, as if they were re-enacting some historical event. They're dressed and decorated more as neo-nazis.

Whatever happened to "Hawaiian shirt Friday?" I don't think anyone ever got miffed about that.

In 1998, a Thai company used Hitler's likeness to sell potato chips.

In the spirit of discretion, I'll pass on all the jokes that came to mind that could be made from this idea.
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