Naughty Girlscouts Selling Boyscout Popcorn... WTF?


New member
May 13, 2009
What were u thinking? Please help support my two son's local boyscout troop by buying some popcorn thru their aff link or even making a donation to a US Servicemember.

It's a good cause and I'm trying to get my kids marshmallow-guns! Below are my boy's affiliate links...


If you can help - thanks in advance! If you can't - enjoy these naughty little girlscouts...






ok, here's a link to the marshmallow gun.... it's a pretty big deal when you're 8....


(saw one in action and i admit it still looks fun at my age!)
My Dad had one of those when he was living in Florida- the gun, not the girl scout ;)

He used it to feed the alligators from a distance, which is prudent when you're 76...
Got my son a marshmallow gun for like 10 bucks and mini marshmallows from or ( forget which one I went with).

He's a former Scout. I HATED the popcorn sales. Good luck with those.

I have grown to hate the scouts sales and public school fundraisers. We have at least one a month, or more. It's always about buying/selling a shitload of stuff so they can win a prize that is worth around 1% of their sales totals. And it's always stuff that I would never want to pay for and consume if it were sold on its own merits.

Though, I can understand the Girl Scout cookies way more than the popcorn. I think the girls have it better/easier. They have a product people actually want and can buy in small quantities.

I wonder what the actual proceeds are? I have thought about just writing a check to the organization and buying a toy. It would make a lot more sense.
ya i dread the fundraising thing too. the kids school just sent a whole packet home with my boys but i have no intention of even looking at it. anyway i figured donating to servicemen was a good idea. anyone know any good forums for army families? maybe i'll go post a few links over there.

as far as proceeds i know our troop uses the funds to support our camping activities throughout the year. the goal is to use the funds so that none of the scouts have to pay for any camping trip - which are about $30/person. speaking of which next weekend i'll be freezing my @$$ off in the woods again...