Native English Writer For Hire

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WAIT - 10+ years writing experience = Easy Ezine Publishing .

If you guartantee your articles to be accepted by Ezine, Let me know.
I've sent you a PM guerilla. As long as everything goes through fine with guerilla, he has the first spot for the free article that is included with an order. That leaves one more to give away.
Thanks for the great feedback guerilla. I look forward to working with you again.

Only one more free article left to give away with an order. Next one to place an order gets it! :)
I should have posted this sooner, but I simply have had very little time. I acquired a new client who has hired me full-time for the next few weeks, I am not taking any more orders at the moment. I will make another post when I am available.
While I write the best content in these here parts hands down, I have problems writing content for my OWN campaigns sometimes -- mainly cuz then I'm doing it for free and it isn't as fun. I dunno -- but anyway, I used Mr. Get Your Writer for one of my own campaigns and I must say, his services are second only to mine. He's timely, he speaks English, he pretends to think my jokes are funny -- the whole shebang!

But in all seriousness, this guy is good and if you're on the fence about hiring him then get off the fucking fence and hire him. You won't be disappointed!
BREAKING NEWS: GetYourWriter just merged with me and will now be writing for Crack Content Conversions -- also known as the best content you can get across all of the Intrawebs.

But anyway, his/my services are $6.00 per 100 words and while some might consider that pricey, all you have to do is ask yourself how I could manage to have been writing content for so long at such rates if it wasn't fucking fantastic.

But yeah -- that's all I got for now. Have a splendid and magical evening.

PS: Both me and GetYourWriter are certified, born in the USA 100% native English speakers. Just wanted to throw that in there rreal quick..
I just thought that I would let everyone know that I'm currently taking on new orders. I have been pretty swamped lately, but it seems that everything is caught up. If you need high quality content, just hit me up. :)
This guy is by far the best writer on WF I've worked with and I've worked with probably a larger percentage than anyone on this forum. He's cheap. He works very fast. He writes excellent salescopies and can do the whole package with editing the html and creating new pages. He's also super reliable and doesn't require a ton of babysitting. He also does very good with the SEO aspect of writing which saves me a lot of work.
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I am going to drop my prices for a little bit. Here's the rates.

$0.04 Per Word (Unique Content)
$0.05 Per Word (Sales Pages)

Hell, I'm going to be generous today. First 3 people that order 5 articles or more will get a free article (up to 500 words).
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