Nameservers weird behavior


Membership Suspended
Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
Sorry for posting in this section, not really sure where it should go (noobs section perhaps).

Anyway: my friend moved site from one server to another few months ago. Everything is up and running.

The guy who was designing site for her still keeps files on his server. After the site has been moved my friend added plenty of new content and changed some graphics.

Now, from time to time, for couple of hours, old version of site appears (the one from old server). It looks like someone is changing nameservers (domain registered with GoDaddy) but it's not the case.

After few hours site comes back to normal. Do you know what may be causing the problem? I have minimum knowledge about servers. Any answers appreciated! Thanks.

Yup, Flush DNS, then IPConfig release/renew, and then delete the system32 folder for good measure.