Credit card processors can't tell the difference between a visa/mc credit card or a debit card bearing the visa/mc logo.
That was sorta my impression... this card is pretty new, but I used at a local food store a couple of weeks ago just to make sure it was truly activated -- worked fine. Maybe I better try it again somewhere.
Thanks to all who answered I really appreciate your time.
So here is what happened... my bank (TD Bank btw) decided that they did not like the name of the company that I was trying to charge to-- so they decided to put hold on my card-- and this for a freakin $8 and change charge!
The cust serv rep I spoke to today said 'nammee cheap?' like it was a disease or something... WTF.
anyway, I guess I am in the market for a new bank -- TD is even open sundays so it kinda sucks, but give me break!
Yeah rage they froze it -- but I didn't enter any wrong data.