Myspace Profile Pagerank Search Tool

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New member
Nov 27, 2006
Myspace Profile Pagerank Search Tool

Edit: The password is for the zip file is wickedfire

Type in a keyword, choose the minimum pagerank you would like to see, and hit run! You get fed a list of profiles, with the pagerank, friend id, in a nice html file, as well as on the screen.

I'm not sure how to get around the msplinks thing, but I'll let you guys figure that out for yourself.

You should be able to create some nice backlinks from this tool and a bit of work. Another tip, post a comment on each profile, then link to the each profile from one of your own indexed pages (or submit it to Google manually). You can feed the list of friend ids into your favorite myspace spam tool.

It seems that 90% of myspace profiles aren't indexed by google, so you could get a nice number of high pagerank backlinks by doing this. If you get a link to stay on the profile, and its not indexed by Google, then the link is essentially worthless (unless you are trying to get people to click on it)

Have fun! :thumbsup:

P.S. This is similar to Illusions Myspace tool, so check that out as well.

why you would give out a tool that needs a password. Thanks for sharing anyway but we cant use it.
I did not code it, I take no credit for it. I just posted it here, as some of you may have a use for it.
Ok. I was just wondering if this is actually freeware or warez ;) Not that it matters to me, but it might matter to Jon. But anyway, that's a nice tool except few bugs. I have been using it for few months there and there.
Looks like this idea will no longer work. Seems as though myspace is rewriting every url in the comments, now they redirect through can't get much PR from that I don't think :(

sorry dude, didn't notice that! yeah, don't think there is a work around :(
man that whole msplinks thing is a pain in the arse I still cant figure out why they bothered I dont see how it would stop spammers posting on comments when they are relying more on clicks than ranking...
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