mySpace Ads Review taking too long?


New member
Apr 5, 2008
hey guys...

Was just wondering how long it takes for ads to be reviewed on mySpace during the weekend.

Usually I get them approved within 1-2 hours.

I set the campaigns up yesterday afternoon and they still haven't been reviewed...


it happens all the time and more frequently on the weekends. just keep resubmitting until you get approved.
mine did the same thing took damn near 6-7 hours on friday.. bullshit.. oh well.. not only that but im getting a vary wide variety of rejections that are not very consistent... ahh the joys of manual approval..
finally got em reviewed.. but they're not accepting dating ads urghhhhhhhh

"Dear Advertiser:

We would like you to know that your ad was not accepted for the following reason: not currently accepting dating offers.. "
Ahhh I remember the days when you could get anything to go thru and it got reviewed in under 5 min.
finally got em reviewed.. but they're not accepting dating ads urghhhhhhhh

"Dear Advertiser:

We would like you to know that your ad was not accepted for the following reason: not currently accepting dating offers.. "


WTF?!? i waited all freaking day for that ad to be reviewed and after wasting a bunch of time to get the image uploaded (for some reason there ad builder tool locks up and forces you to exit and start all over and some images just wont load even if others of the same file type do..

I'm determined to make a dime of this thing but the fact that myspace is becoming increasingly unwilling to take my money is making things tough.. frustrating but im trying to be patient..
Been running a couple different offers on myspace. They aint convertin for shit. Time to dump and move on, for me at least. I hope others are kicking ass.

good luck bros (lol) - where has that guy been.
yeah I tried to promote teeth whitening and they said they were not accepting advertising in that area.

good grief - makes me laugh.

Myspace, the lil dirty social network full of wanna be rappers, wanna be models (current titty dancers), and all around shmucks ALL OF A SUDDEN has rules and regulations? Cmon Myspace. Let us market whatever the fuck we want. Let Facebook be the stuck up pricks that they are...

just my 37 cents....
What about colon cleansing?

maybe they wouldn't notice... though you lander or ad copy couldn't have skinny or fat people on it - it would have to be a 'health' orientated lander.

but maybe would work.. ..

quick everybody run and submit colon ads.. . . .
Been running a couple different offers on myspace. They aint convertin for shit. Time to dump and move on, for me at least. I hope others are kicking ass.

good luck bros (lol) - where has that guy been.

MySpace rejected his ads also. So he quit AM.
yeah I tried to promote teeth whitening and they said they were not accepting advertising in that area.

good grief - makes me laugh.

Myspace, the lil dirty social network full of wanna be rappers, wanna be models (current titty dancers), and all around shmucks ALL OF A SUDDEN has rules and regulations? Cmon Myspace. Let us market whatever the fuck we want. Let Facebook be the stuck up pricks that they are...

just my 37 cents....

Hahah! I think your input is worth more than 37 cents! Love it!
finally got my new ads approved over 24 hours total.. and only had like a few hundred impressions per.. waiting to see some clicks..

they tend to start of slow then blast your ad like crazy and if your not getting mad clicks they start to drop you off...
Yep. Got my ads approved, first day 80k impressions, then 40k, then 20k. I just went through and made a bunch of new ads to get more impressions, too bad it takes a few hours after approval for impressions to start showing up.