Myspace Account Disabled


New member
Aug 25, 2007
I just started pushing a offer on myspace a few days ago, everythings legit and within myspace's t & c's. I'm based in the UK so i used a U.S address and added my credit card, all was good and myspace took 2 payments. They then tried to take a third payment and it failed. I called my credit card issuer and they said there was funds available so i emailed myspace support to see wat was going on and shortly after i get a email saying


Thank you for contacting MySpace myAds beta. We have reviewed your ******* account. This account has been permanently disabled. No other information is available.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

I've emailed them but it takes them ages to get back. Anyone have a phone number or aim for a myspace rep?

Good luck bros


Really gotta love the customer service of some of these huge companies. "No other information is available." say you are from UK and used US address, but your UK CC still ordered to your UK address. I am sure it will be the same if it's even ISSUED by US bank, but still point to UK address, that is the point I think.

Anyway fuck myspace. That's weird they don't take people's money from rest of the world.
Just to clear things up...

I contacted myspace and they said that my account had been flagged for fraud which as most likely because i'd used a U.S address for UK card. I got the account enabled again but i talked it over with a rep and they basically said that they're working towards allowing uk credit card pamyents but its not something they support so basically I can't buy ads unless i get a U.S address.

Time to start looking for one of those $1 forclosed homes i guess.