MyReviewPlugin 2.0 - Better Importer, Better Comment Generation, Better Everything.

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Jul 27, 2009
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MyReviewPlugin 2.0

If this seems too soon after 1.0... well I've been working basically 18 hours a day on this since the day I released 1.0! :) Existing license holders can download the new 2.0 installation package at this page, if you have any trouble / questions about it, let me know.

Short List of Updated Features

  • Import Man now supports RSS feeds, search results from major search engines, and a couple other "big site creation" tools. Of course, this is in addition to the existing YP and CSV importing from 1.0.
  • Recurring Imports.
    • Schedule an import (which can now be an RSS feed or any of the above features) and have it run every day, week, month, year, etc. - when duplicates are found, have it decide what to do: update, duplicate, or ignore the existing post.
  • Clean your imports.
    • Import Man 2.0 supports real-time "scrubbing": removing duplicates, replacing strings, trimming off white space, stripping HTML tags, etc.
  • Import Man integration with Link Man.
    • Import a "link" and "slug" column right in to a Link Man link for elegant integration. :)
  • Comment generation with decade-friendly and weighted names lists.
    • This is great. Using census data I created per-decade names lists from 1880 to today: this allows you to generate comments with names that are appropriate to the decade.
    • If you're reviewing vacation spots or retirement homes, use the 1930-1940 or 1940-1950 names list and generate names like "Robert", "William", "Paul" and "Frank."
    • If you're reviewing iPods use the 1980-1990 names list and get names like "Chris", "Michael", "Jennifer" and "Amanda".
    • Even cooler - weighted names lists means that "Phylicia" will no longer show up as frequently as "Amanda".
    • These names lists are included with MyReviewPlugin 2.0 and require no work on your part to put together..
  • "Was this review helpful to you?" ala Amazon. Allow your users to provide feedback on each other's reviews.
  • Fully internationalized the "front end" (the user side) with WordPress's internationalization files. Bundled French and Spanish translations.
  • Various other modifications.

I'd tell you guys to use the coupon code "version2" to get 20% off, but for WickedFire, the coupon code "merrychristmas" is still active to get 30% off: so use that!

There's some feedback from WickedFire users in the 1.0 thread: check it out!.

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If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or just want to chat: contact me. I'm on AIM, MSN and available via email all at

As a New Years present, and to get a few more reviews flowing (I just want to get in that "Best Tools Ever" thread!) I've decided to offer 5 more review copies to users with >100 posts. I want to offer these only to people who have used one of the other products so they can provide a comparison for the community. If you've used another review plugin and can take the time to test things out and write a review on WickedFire, feel free to post here.

Furthermore, if you have a blog or review website and would like to review MyReviewPlugin in it I can provide you a free copy to play around with. :)
I've got WFReview running on a couple sites and would be interested in a comparison. Let me know if you want me to give it a run thru.

I also run WFReview on some sites and would like to give your plug a test run.
Sending you both messages right now! Thanks.

I just released MyReviewPlugin 2.1 a maintenance update that changes how star ratings work, definitely making it a lot faster and hopefully ensuring compatibility with the wide range of templates out there. Existing license holders can upgrade here.

@pax, great! I sent you your stuff. Can't wait to hear what you think.
@chrismccoy, glad you're enjoying MyRP. Send me an email when you want to upgrade and I'll get you sorted out. Could you perhaps post a minireview here, tell people what you think so far?

@everyone else, its been a great start for MyReviewPlugin here, pax's review copy was license number 99 (about 30 of which have been free licenses, I think). Next order is license 100!

For the person who makes the 100th order, I've created a 50% off coupon. Use "imnumber100" to get 50% off (only good for the next order). If you miss it, use "merrychristmas" for 30% off.

I recieved a review copy of this plug and installed it on a quick test blog it give it a try. I own and use WF review (which is a great plugin BTW) and wanted to give another plug a spin for the heck of it. I didn't spend a whole lot of time with the plugin due to other projects needing my attention but here are my first thoughts.

The plug was easy to register and I was up and running in about 3 minutes. The documentation is adequate and the layout of the interface leads you step by step through the process.

I believe the best feature of this plugin to be it's customization. You can customize colors, graphics and more within the interface. No need for any programing knowlege whatsoever. The customization was easy and created a great looking post.

The other feature that I enjoyed was the autoembed feature. I tested this on several themes that I designed in Artisteer and in every instance everything fit perfectly and looked great.

I was able to throw up a nice looking review site with all the bells and whistles within 15 minutes (10 of that was actually writing content). The plug would be great for newbies with no design experience and it would be a killer tool for those that could go in and tweak the look and feel. I recommend myreview plugin and don't really understand why it isn't getting the attention that it should on this forum.
I also received a review copy and have been playing around with it. I'm impressed. Really impressed. I own WF Review, and think it's a great tool, and Nick's support is kickass. That being said, for a non coding dumbass like myself, MyReviewPlugin 2.0 allowed me to set up an attractive review site really quickly. Not 15 minutes like Popeye, but the next one will probably be that quick.

I'm going to review it further in depth when I get some more time under the hood, haven't even touched on Import man and his two badass brothers in crime.

. I recommend myreview plugin and don't really understand why it isn't getting the attention that it should on this forum.

+1, this rig should be in everyone's arsenal of tools.
I just finished testing this and I have to say I think it is way better than both WP ReviewEngine and WFReview. The amount of features and options surpass both and the integration part is downright awesome. The import is kick ass as well. I wouln't buy WFReview again until I saw what was up with the new ownership, it was just sold on Flippa for $30,000.

Like Mike said, WF Review is no longer owned by Nick. What Grindstone said was true, Nick provided some of the best support for WF Review.

@Grindstone, Mick535 and popeye, thanks for the reviews!

@popeye specifically, you should check out Import Man in detail. MyReviewPlugin is certainly easy for beginners like you said, but there is so much more potential with things like Import Man for advanced users and even people fluent in code.

@everyone else, the "merrychristmas" coupon code is still good until Monday! Get aboard. Also, if you have suggestions for 3.0 let me know, it's almost ready!

Yeah, I agree that if you are not using Import Man, you are selling yourself short on the overall capabilities of this software. If you could automatically create cloaked links via Import Man for affiliate datafeeds then you would truly have the best thing out there.

You must not be using version 2.1! Go here with your license key to update: Download/Recover Installation Package - MyReviewPlugin

In 2.1 you can do exactly that! You specify a "link" column and a "slug" column (or specify that you want a random slug generated) and you can mask your affiliate links with a name or an ID. It's also really fast compared to 2.0 + there's a dozen other little feature additions.
Hello, this is Lucas Carlson, the new owner of WF Review. I just wanted to chime in that I fully plan to continue the support legacy of Nick as well as iterate on the development of WFReview faster than ever before. Here are my plans for upcoming features.

WFReview 4.0: Code Name Ultra

I just finished testing this and I have to say I think it is way better than both WP ReviewEngine and WFReview. The amount of features and options surpass both and the integration part is downright awesome. The import is kick ass as well. I wouln't buy WFReview again until I saw what was up with the new ownership, it was just sold on Flippa for $30,000.

Good to hear, Lucas! I'm also working on 3.0 of MyReviewPlugin right now. ;-)

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