MyAds Campaign BUG

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Alright if you have all you campaigns pause on myspace ads and you are still getting clicks chances are you have some campaigns you CANT see so you CANT pause them.

So if you look at all your campaigns on page 1 then go to page 2 you will notice that some of the campaigns on page 1 carry over to page 2. This causes several campaigns on page 2 to not be display when they should be and you can't see them on any other page.

So what you need to do is create 1 new campaign then check page to and 1 hidden campaign should show back up because it was pushed down the list. Keep doing that to push out all the hidden ones to pause them if that's what you want to do.

BUT keep in mind that campaigns ahead of those hidden ones will fall into that vortex.

It's been confirmed by another person so I know it isn't just me. Also, if you experience this submit a ticket so they fix it faster.

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