My website shows up different in IE

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New member
Dec 29, 2007

I really need help with one of my website. I'm currently using a wordpress theme that works very well with Firefox but just looks fucked up in IE. Where I'm confused is that I tested that same theme with another site of mine and it shows up just fine in IE. I thought it was the css at first so I tried using the same css file for both websites but the result was the same. Where else should I look for the problem? Thank you.

Yeah IE hasn't been up to par with adopting the web site standards that firefox has, the result is having to tweak your'e site to help the retards that still use internet explorer. It can be extremely frustrating and I wish M$ would stop being so stubborn and just adapt. You will most likely have to show us your'e website if you want help from community members, otherwise I am not really sure where to go about on this.
I just discovered that for the wordpress website that I'm having problem with, every theme I use are not showing up correctly in IE. So what could be the problem here?
I still can't figure out what's wrong. The website is in my signature. I don't think it's the css since every theme that I use shows up improperly with IE. So it must be something else. Please help!!!!
Yeah, I'm gonna be blunt here... Your site sucks.
There are a lot of good designers here on WF in the Buy, Sell, Trade section that can fix you up with something that looks post-Y2K for a couple hundred... Anyone know if MyOwnDemon is still around? His folio looked pretty sweet.

Anyway, if you're using a CMS like Wordpress, it should render correctly in pretty much every browser, unless you got one of those shitty free themes.
Either learn how to pirate a professional theme, or don't be such a tight arse and shell out $50 for a good theme from a place like Web Templates, Flash Templates, Website Templates Design - Template Monster (soooo tempted to sneak in my aff link for this joint)
I'm sorry I don't mean to be ungrateful for your suggestions or anything but you guys are just critizing my website and not really helping me figure what the problem is. I know my website sucks but I'm happy with the money that I've been making from it until I discovered this problem.

Again, the main problem that I'm having is that my wordpress just fucks up EVERY theme that I use in IE. Then I thought wordpress is the problem so I tried copying my wordpress files from my working site to my nonworking but no improvement.
Well, constructive criticism can be very helpful, the peeps pointed out your site sucks. Think about that, and look around at other sites for some ideas. There are some helpful phpbay tutorials around, look at those sites.

I use that same theme on all my phpbay sites, and it runs tits in ie, firefox etc. Also, how is the site earning for you when every page with auctions shows the phpbay code and not the auctions, at least on my end. Can you show a screenshot of what is messed up with your site? Your links show up on my end in rather large fonts, that could be throwing you off, the default size works fine for me.
You have a lot of list styles in your CSS. My guess is you tweaked something in your php and dropped an LI or UL or DIV somewhere and Internet Explorer can't tolerate it.
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