My visit to Hardees


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Was traveling, somewhere in Illinois stopped in some country small town to get something to eat. The only thing around was a Hardees so I stop there.

I order and this is how it goes:

[FONT=&quot]Substitute 100$ bills for Cryponite. I'm Paying with a 100$ bill[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Lady: That will be 10.50 sir.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: I hand her Cryptonite [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: Oh noooo, we don't take Cryptonite here![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: What?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: They told us we couldn't take Cryptonite anymore![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: WTF![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: I'm really Sorry Sir. but NO Cryptonite![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: Are we in the United States ? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: Yes were in the US[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: If we are in the United States it is Federal Law that you take[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] all Legal Tender that includes Cryptonite.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: I wouldn't know anything about that, all I know is the Mgr told me not[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] to take Cryptonite so I'm not taking it. Cryptonite has caused us all[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] kinds of trouble around here anyway. A lot of shady people carry Cryptonite.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: omg (thinking: You dumb country ass bitch)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lady: Do you want me to get the manager? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Me: Oh please No! I don't!, I have a bag of pennies out in the truck....brb.[/FONT]

yah I know-----cool story bro! but really WTF I say !!!

*rolls eyes* So you gave a 100$ bill for a 10$ order, and bitching that she couldn't give you change.

Btw there's no law that says you have to accept all denominations of cash simply because it's legal tender. And next time you goto a bank get out 20s, rather than expecting some gal to flush out her entire draw just cuz you need change from a Hardees than goto a bank for it. Or fuck use a credit card.

Moving on...

The only WTF moment I saw in your transcript, is her explanation of the 100$ acceptance. When in reality, it would simply flush out all the usual change in her draw the next time someone gave her a 20 after your 100. (since they only start out with like 60 or 70 in the drawer)
Pretty standard practice in the restaurant biz, especially in the fast food biz. You'd be surprised how much counterfeit cash goes through there. Lots of places these days try to keep a minimum amount in the drawer and do hourly or half hourly cash pulls. It's not her fault she's just following standard procedure.

Next time whip you your debit/credit card and be done with it. You're the one that sounds like the dumb hick.
Its the only thing I had, Im in the middle of fucking nowhere. At any given moment a fast food restaurant will have thousands of small bills on hand (they may be dropped, but they can easily make change) especially at lunch.

They wouldn't take it because they thought it might be counterfit, And yes it is Federal law to take ANY denominations if they are in circulation!!!
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You're telling me you're rolling around with hundred dollar bills, but no debit/credit card?

And NO they don't have to take your $100 bill. What are you going to do, sue them for not taking it? Maybe call the cops see if they'll stop over there and force them to take the $100 bill? Except most restaurants give cops free or discounted food, so good luck with that.
Its the only thing I had, Im in the middle of fucking nowhere. At any given moment a fast food restaurant will have thousands of small bills on hand, especially at lunch.

They wouldn't take it because they thought it might be counterfit, And yes it is Federal law to take ANY denominations if they are in circulation!!!

Find the law then I'll believe you. Otherwise there'd be a shit-ton of people sueing Apple right now for not accepting cash for the iPad or iPhone.

Also if thats the only thing you had in the middle of no where, you can least understand her stance, no reason to get bitchy. You could just simply ask maybe where there was a bank. Did you even tell her that it was the only thing you had on you before getting into the 'you have to take this you dumb hick'.
I looked it up , and stand corrected. A business CAN legally refuse large denominations


I ran a gas station years ago and was told we had to take all cash. Wonder if its always been that way
Epic meltdown averted.

:p I can partly understand the frustration on the clerk's part. My wife before we met used to work at a video rental place, which bordered a higher income region, so everyone came there getting bitchy as to why they wouldn't take 100$ for a 3$ rental. And there's like 4 banks without quarter of mile from there including one across from the parking lot.
I use them all the time, places just check them with a marker, I have never had a bill turned down. I have been asked to pay with something smaller and usually have it but this time I didn't.
This reminds me of that one idiotic youtube video where the kid tries to be a smartass and pay the impound company in pennies to get his car back -- Then calls the cops when they don't accept it. Either way, he/you looks like an idiot.

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
This reminds me of that one idiotic youtube video where the kid tries to be a smartass and pay the impound company in pennies to get his car back -- Then calls the cops when they don't accept it. Either way, he/you looks like an idiot.

YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

Technically they DID have to accept the pennies. It's not like the $100 situation, as he went to a restaurant where (likely) it was posted that they do not accept that denomination of bill (even if it wasn't posted they can still deny him if they don't have the change).

The company towed his car and he now had to pay a fee to that company and per federal law : " United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues."

It's the same as if you were to walk into a gas station and try to pay for $50 worth of gas in pennies, legally they can turn down your pennies as you are not contractually binded or forced to buy gas in any way there.
I looked it up , and stand corrected. A business CAN legally refuse large denominations

I'm sure all the employees at the Hardees are still laughing at your dumb ass sitting in the drive thru talking about how they "legally have to accept your $100 bill!!"

you are officially "that guy"
Honest mistake on both sides and its happened to me before resulting in me walking out without paying. Sometimes you just don't have the denominations certain places accept, especially if you're traveling. They can't get too mad at you for not paying if they just rejected a perfectly acceptable form of payment because they prefer something else. I would have just said sorry I didn't see any signs posted on your policies before I ordered, but i have the money to pay for my meal. Take it or don't. No cop is going to pull ya over later for skipping out on a check when they were the ones who refused your money.

As far as saying they might not have the change, thats bullshit. All restaurants can break a $100, even small convenience stores can. If he was talking about a concession stand or some kids lemonade stand sure whatever, but this is a restaurant.