My Suggestion For Where To Go After Rebills, and a question about adwords


On My Path To Mastery
Dec 7, 2008
los angeles
Being a stubborn fuck I am not entirely convinced that I want to give up on rebills, but as most of us already know it really is becoming more and more going against the current. So I'll give you guys my idea of what is a good use of our awesome marketing knowledge.

Obviously if you were around for the rebill boom in the past couple of years (and you have half a brain) you probably made a killing, but not it's gotten tougher and the money isn't the same on those niches. Also, chances are you spent all your time promoting rebills so you probably don't have a real business that you can promote right now.

So something that my partners just did is made a pretty good deal with a multi million dollar business that currently is driving business from offline sources and their online presence is not that strong. There's tons of those, businesses that are doing so well offline that they haven't focused their efforts online because they don't really need to.

This is where you can come in. Find a couple of businesses that are killing it and check out their sites, and ask them to increase their sales and do their marketing. LOTS of money to be made. I got offered to do the marketing of a huge law firm early last year for example and I just didn't take it because i was too busy raping the internets at the moment. But that's a good example of bringing customers that are worth tens of thousands each to the business that you could negotiate a good rate because they wouldn't have access to them otherwise.

Just my two cents I hope that helps, cause I know its been tough finding a new direction and we have the fucking skills to make a business successful it's just been used for some scammy shit in the past. this way we're long term and we're actually beneficial to society lol

So now my question: my problem is I need a legit adwords account. And I have like 5 gmail accounts, which 3 are probably associated to banned adwords accounts that got banned at the same time. I have one adwords account left that I've only ever ran legit shit on it. My question is, if in my computer with a new IP, new city, I have logged into the other banned gmails but not adwords and I log into my legit adwords, will that get banned even if I'm only running legit stuff in it?

Help is appreciated it'd be retarded to get my account banned over that shit.


btw thought to add this.. if you like the finding legit businesses idea and want to look for one, the perfect people are usually over 45, that have been running their businesses succesfully for so long that they never really transitioned to an online presence. Maybe they even hired some of those shitty SEO firms to do some wack job at it but never really payed attention to it.

Doctors, lawyers, dentists, people that do seminars, shit go through the yellow pages or think of older succesful guys you know, there's a shitload of opportunities and they need some young blood to partner with.
With all your skills coming from running rebills, are you 100% sure you have the skills to promote other stuff?

I personally have seen a lot of rebill marketers panic because they can't get anything else going.
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With all your skills coming from running rebills, are you 100% sure you have the skills to promote other stuff?

I personally have seen a lot of rebill marketers panic because they can't get anything else going.

lol yeah at least personally I was doing pretty good before rebills, still i don't think it would be that hard to do the transition even if that's all you knew. Depends on what you're running I guess