My Social Media Content Management + Engagement= Traffic, Branding, Ranks, Local, $$$

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Mar 16, 2007
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Thank You WF for Supporting my Social Management Services!

This is What I Do- Previous thread here: Social Media Goldmine- The Social Content Your Sites NEED PLUS Interaction!

I decided to advertise my Social Media Management services here for the first time 3 months ago. That sales thread was such a success, I had to stop accepting new orders and turn down quite a few clients after the thread locked.

The initial orders I received from that thread allowed me to hire workers, improve and expand services, and become more of a "real business." I am now ready to handle much more business. I can't thank you all enough!

Here's What Happened with My Last Thread:

Numbers and Client Satisfaction with the Service. What Clients Did​

I offered 1 month of Social Media Management- posting content and interacting on Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus. There was a one-time Paypal charge for one month of service, with no further obligation. At the end of 1 month, I asked every client to renew on a recurring monthly subscription.

Initially, there were orders from 23 different Wickedfire members. Six clients ordered packages for multiple sites. Additionally, several members purchased with the intent to become re-sellers and offer my social packages to their own SEO/web development/local marketing clients.

Only 1 member declined to renew service after the first month. His response was: "Good service but can't renew at this time."

Most of the remaining clients subscribed without hesitation, while a handful renewed but asked to take it month by month.

Of those, one more client dropped the service after 2 months. He decided to handle social in-house, but he did say: " My site has been resurected from the dead in the serps so thanks for your help and i will get back to you next month."

I have had only 1 subscription cancellation after 3 months. When I asked for feedback, I was told: " I have no issues with your work. I have pulled out of the business and my ex-partner decided to cancel all subs for you and writers too,. I am really sorry for that."

So- I feel very confident that I provide a quality service that clients value. I have not had any major issues, and the few client cancellations had nothing to do with the quality of the work. That's not to say there are never any issues, but I am easily reachable and highly responsive to requests and criticism.

I Have received many comments about improvements in ranks, sites brought back from the dead, that my prices are too low (with unsolicited offers to increase my pay), that my engagement with local businesses and prominent brands is impressive. Several have purchased additional packages for other sites or clients.

What Clients Said

"Everything has been going great. If we could set it up to where you could do a rebill via Paypal for [4x the initial rate] per month that would be great... If you want to do something additional for the money than so be it, but at this point I'm very happy with the work performed and would like to compensate you accordingly."

"pretty happy with how things went this month...I think the social activity had a good effect for rankings across all sites."

"Hi, I have set up the subscription - thanks. Very happy with the service so far."

"i like how you started engaging with local businesses"

"Things have been going well on the accounts, I'd like to see some new followers, but overall we're happy. Thanks."

New WF-Only Special Packages Here:​

For More Details:​

Send a PM or Skype: JcSocialWF​
Last edited:

Been using this service since the first thread. It's legit! Can't beat what you're receiving for this price.

If I had more sites that needed social media work - I'd sign them up right away. I already have him working on 3 sites.

Don't miss out on this!
My sites have UK visitors.
I'm curious to know - could you / would you work on social media for a UK audience?
My sites have UK visitors.
I'm curious to know - could you / would you work on social media for a UK audience?

Sure. I have a couple UK clients now, and I worked with a few long-term back when I was working under another company. A couple were online retailers, but also did some service businesses with local locations and places with local store/office hours.

Any specific concerns about relating to the UK audience? Time Zone differences? I work/schedule accordingly. Language nuances? I think I have a good handle on that. I focus on interacting with the relevant audience and brands, industry, etc.
Been using this service since the first thread. It's legit! Can't beat what you're receiving for this price.

If I had more sites that needed social media work - I'd sign them up right away. I already have him working on 3 sites.

Don't miss out on this!

Thanks for the comment. Your opinion of my service means a lot to me.
Some Questions I've Received in PMs:

1. How many / what social media do you manage? FB, twitter / pinterest / G+?

My basic packages all include Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus management. In my opinion, Google Plus is often overlooked but very important. Expanding your G+ Circles and posting quality content is really worth the effort. If searchers are logged into a Google account, a G+ connection has a direct result on SERPS and there are other direct and indirect SEO and traffic benefits.

Pinterest is something that can be beneficial for a lot of clients, and is something I offer as an add-on or included with some higher-tier packages.

I try to create packages and deals that are unique for WickedFire and will be adding some new packages shortly to see how the demand is for higher-tier and additional profiles. I will also allow existing clients to add new features without losing existing deals.

2. And do you create new accounts ? Do you just post updates or you will also follow people and gain followers?

I can do the creation of basic profiles for clients who do not have them already setup. I will not charge extra for this at this time for WF members. Keep in mind it will take a little bit longer to get substantive posting and work going if the accounts need to be setup. Also, anything you can provide such as information, pictures, etc that will help me create the profile is appreciated.

Engagement is Key-I make quality posts and share relevant content, but that's really just one part of it. Interacting, gaining new followers, engaging customers/brands/followers- that's what I really try to work on. if you have 2 followers, and you are just hitting the same 2 people up with your offer, it's a waste of effort. Sure, it can be good to just have some social activity, even if a lot of people don't see it, but you could be doing so much more. Some companies do that. I've had clients ask me to just post their own stuff and not bother or even avoid expanding their networks by imposing really stupid demands on interaction. That's really limiting and just not the way to do SOCIAL Media.
Sorry guys. I'm late getting back to some PMs and Skype messages because a storm knocked out my internet and rescheduled Trick or Treat and some other activities my kids are involved in. So I've been scrambling to deal with some unexpected things in addition to catching up with business.

I should be adding some new packages and details tonight. I'm working on a page for WF specials with some expanded options. If I already discussed and quoted a service privately with you and you haven't ordered yet, those deals are still good.
I've also been using this service since the first thread. I also recently started using this service on my new "big brand" website that I'm building. For any major site you have going on you would be missing the boat if you skipped this service.

It's an easy way to free up some of your time and have a high quality social play going on.
I am a UK based client and really have nothing but good things to say about the services provided.

I have subscribed since the first thread and after monitoring the updates for the first few weeks, I have been happy to let the OP take full control of our brand on FB, G+ and Twitter. The posts are all on topic, interesting to our followers and well researched.

Fully recommended!
Thanks for the great reviews/comments. Most of my clients have been very happy with the service and have remained subscribers month after month.

I am catching up on a couple new orders right now and also going through PMs. If you have ordered, your work should be started. if you have asked any questions here or on Skype, I believe I am all caught up. If not, please let me know.

New WF-Only Special Packages Here:​

For More Details:​

Send a PM or Skype: JcSocialWF​
I've been working with OP since he opened his first sales thread and all I can say is if you are running a real site or want to look like a real site, you know brand building and all that jazz, then you NEED this service.

After the first month I upped the pay for OP because what he was delivering far exceeded the $100 per month. I'm happy to see he has added a variety of packages and price levels as only charging $100 per month for what he does was a crime! If you want to rob someone and get away with it sign up for his basic package at $250, if you have a conscience and value business partnerships, sign up for a larger package and pay the man 1/4 of what he is worth, not 1/10 (yeah my math sucks).

I'm about to up my payment to him again and throw in the Pinterest because for me and my business it's a no brainer.

You can say this:


Or you can say:


All I can say is:

I too signed up on the last thread and even added more of my niche sites later because of the quality, and have been on the subscription since. I had tried to handle social on my own and tried a couple other services but everything else was either much lower quality or cost about as much as hiring a full-time employee to get any decent interaction work going.

I have been very happy with the social posting and interaction. One of my sites had been very successful with SEO at one point but was completely dead. I wanted to see if focusing on the social content would get another stream of traffic going and hoping maybe this traffic would convert decently. What I didn't expect was any kind of direct SEO benefit, but it seems like all my sites increased in SERPS and organic search traffic as well. The main one, a seasonal affiliate site came back from the dead a couple months after signing up. I haven't been using any other services or doing any linkbuilding, content updates, or anything else significant. I tried this as a last resort almost. Figured I could get some traffic outside if what I'd been doing. As I stated in a previous post, I feel like I've hired my own social media team that handles things professionally and allows me to work in other areas without worry.

Since I see there are some new packages with some options not offered previously, I would like to see about adding Pinterest on 1 or 2 of the accounts and maybe trying some other stuff?
Since I see there are some new packages with some options not offered previously, I would like to see about adding Pinterest on 1 or 2 of the accounts and maybe trying some other stuff?

Yeah, that's no problem. Just PM me and I will setup a new subscription for the upgraded features. I did one for another client earlier.
From The Original Thread, Review Copy:


That was a review copy, but Tavin did become a paying subscriber and has stayed with the service for that site.

Heard from him a couple days ago:

"[11/4/2013 11:08:31 AM] Tavin: Hey you're doing a good job on the social media"

People who use my service love it, keep renewing, come back for more, and add more sites and clients if they have any.

Also, they keep telling me My Prices Are TOO Low!

If you are skeptical of my rates, Hey- It's not for everybody. If you need social media management, and you need it done right , this is a steal.

As mx=headroom said above:
" If you want to rob someone and get away with it sign up for his basic package at $250, if you have a conscience and value business partnerships, sign up for a larger package and pay the man 1/4 of what he is worth."

And as Tavin told me on Skype a few months back:
[Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:27 AM] Tavin: after this thread I would raise the price to at least $300/month. It's easily worth it. Know your worth

I run a pretty well sized internet firm and i've hired social media companies that charge 400 +/month who are not as good as you

(Me): Thanks. Can I use that quote for my next sales thread?
[7/30/2013 9:37:04 AM] Tavin: yeah sure"

There you go.

My Bad. I realize I didn't put all the Details for the New Packages directly in this Thread:

New Social Media Management Packages for WickedFire Members ONLY

Your choice of the following packages:
Basic, Gold, Platinum, $99 Twitter Taste Test

Packages Now Include Facebook Ads and Pinterest Option

Need to Talk? Need More Info? PM Johncjackson or Skype JcSocialWF

WF Basic Package

Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus
Daily Content Posting on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus
Daily Interaction- Follows, RTs, Actions that increase follows and likes
Facebook and Google Plus Sharing and Commenting
Responding to @ mentions, comments, engaging with audience
Plus $50/mo. in Facebook Ad Spending and Management Included
The $50 will be budgeted across Facebook Page Likes Campaigns and Individual Post Promotion
No Set Up Fees

Basic Price: $249 Monthly Subscription

WF Gold Package-Twice the Work and Double Ad $

Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus
Everything Included in the Basic Package Plus:
DOUBLE the Posts on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus
TWICE the Interaction and Engagement
$100 in monthly Facebook Ad Spending and Management Included
Minimum of $50 per month spent on Facebook Likes Ads
Plus up to $50 per month boosting the most engaging posts and offers
No Set Up Fees

Gold Price: $399 Monthly Subscription

WF Platinum Package-Includes Pinterest Plus More Ad $

Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and PINTEREST
Everything Included in the Gold Package
Double the Posting and Interaction of the Basic Package, Plus:
Setup and Management of Pinterest in Addition to G+, Twitter, and Facebook
$150/mo. in Facebook Ad Spending and Management Included
No Set Up Fees

Platinum Price: $549 Monthly Subscription

Need a Budget Plan?
Twitter Taste Test Package

A Budget Plan for Members Looking to Test Out Service on one major social media profile:
Twitter Only
Daily Content Posting on Twitter
Daily Interaction- Follows, RTs, Actions that increase follows
Responding to @ mentions, comments, engaging with audience

No Set Up Fees

Twitter Taste Price: $99 Monthly Subscription


Existing Clients:
You can upgrade to any of these packages and/or add any newly offered features without losing any existing discounts or incentives. Please contact for quotes.

*PM Johncjackson or Skype JcSocialWF with Order Details

Thanks for supporting my services again. This thread has pretty much run its course and I need to focus my attention on working on new orders, and keeping existing customers happy as always.

I will leave these WF Packages and Rates up Indefinitely. I know after the last thread closed I still got a trickle of PMs and Skype messages asking for the latest rates and other details. Now I will leave this up so the rates are transparent. Of course, if you have any questions or requests such as customization of packages, let me know.

I've some across some interesting data the past few days on social media from surveys and some infographics.

The main thing I see that keeps popping up is somewhere around 50% of businesses made at least 1 sale from social media in 2013. Some will say 54% made a sale from Facebook, 39% from twitter, and so on. The main thing to take away, IMO, is that Social Media can be a very effective tool for business. And I think it tends to be a little overlooked, especially in places that may be primarily focused on buying links and that sort of thing. The 50% is probably low because, let's face it, a lot of people aren't really tracking these things that well.

That said, does that mean Social Media is going to guarantee the ROI you need for your specific type of business with your methods? NO.

I could say, well Social Media is also going to help your SEO. I think there are ways it certainly does. But again, that's not something I can guarantee or a sole reason to do it.

Social Media can be a very useful part of your overall marketing for your Brand or business. Whether it's worth you paying someone else to provide a professional ongoing service really depends.

As a service provider, what I can guarantee is that I will use my knowledge and resources to do the best job I can for your social media profiles, working to share and promote useful relevant content, cross promote and push traffic toward your properties, interact with related people and brands, grow your networks, and engage with your audience.

I care about my reputation here and how I treat clients. I've steered many clients away from more expensive services I did not think would be beneficial, or declined to take on work I knew I could not handle. I've had people offer me crazy money to do big short-term projects that just weren't feasible. With the few customers who have cancelled service, I always wish them well and try to share any information or insight I can that would help them do it on their own or make the best use of social media in their strategy.

So, just keep these things in mind if you are considering hiring someone to manage your social media profiles.
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