My Pride And Joy, Check This Shit Out

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
My four year old is like my shadow and is with me 90% of the time wether im working or not. He is always right there and has watched me build many of web pages. Tonight he said he wanted his own web page so I sat him on my lap told him what to do and he did it. Obviously he didnt do this without help, but he did do EVERYTHING himself, code and all, I just told him what keys to hit when he got hung up and suggested a few small things. He even pulled the banner off, I just told him what to do helped him out a bit and.......

Cool man, by the time he is my age he will own the net!

jeremys page

Proud old man braggin a bit

Peace Jer

I couldn't resist, but just had to re-caption the photos.. Tell your son, although his webmaster skills are new, it's no exception to get some fun poked at you here on WickedFire.. even if you are a lame four years old! No excuses!


Fishing with my Catholic priest. He sure know hows to hold me tight. Hey father, why do you have to hold me over there..


My dad needed some extra change for the parking meter, and since the couch at home was tapped out, my uncle Fred taught me his line of business.


Yay, now we can eat something tonight other than just gruel and cabbage! Thanks for the treat dad!


I only smoke 2 cigarettes a day, but hope to hit at least a full pack by age 10. I want to be just like my dad!
not bad for a little guy! I wish I was into the internets at a young age. Although not at 4...more like 9...since the internet has probably only been remotely useful since 1996.
DruSam said:
not bad for a little guy! I wish I was into the internets at a young age. Although not at 4...more like 9...since the internet has probably only been remotely useful since 1996.
If he starts at 4, gets a few domains then goes plays with all his mates, then when he finally knows what the net is all about he will have a few nicely aged domains to start working with
Jon, you ass! That was fuckin' hilarious!

Totally derailed a nice sweet thread about a boy and his computer!

Very cool, Jer! Congratulations on getting a 4 year old to sit still long enough to put that page together!
I couldn't resist, but just had to re-caption the photos.. Tell your son, although his webmaster skills are new, it's no exception to get some fun poked at you here on WickedFire.. even if you are a lame four years old! No excuses!


Fishing with my Catholic priest. He sure know hows to hold me tight. Hey father, why do you have to hold me over there..


My dad needed some extra change for the parking meter, and since the couch at home was tapped out, my uncle Fred taught me his line of business.


Yay, now we can eat something tonight other than just gruel and cabbage! Thanks for the treat dad!


I only smoke 2 cigarettes a day, but hope to hit at least a full pack by age 10. I want to be just like my dad!

He He He, little J is probably more of a ball buster than any of us, hes young hes got energy and says "I Can Dig It"

Very cool, Jer! Congratulations on getting a 4 year old to sit still long enough to put that page together!

Ill tell you what man, he loves anything the old man is doing, i could not have asked for a better kid, dude he loves everything from web design / development, to fishing, to airsoft, to fishing. The only thing I he doesnt like and I hear about it everday is drinking beer and smoking, he hates em both and gives me the drug lecture every time I lite up a smoke in front of him.
He He He, little J is probably more of a ball buster than any of us, hes young hes got energy and says "I Can Dig It"


Here's my quote for this image:

Wooo you are getting sleepy.. my dad's Roofies are making you sleeeepy...
How did you know? Thats the only way to get him to go to bed.

You must have missed that "how to add roofies to your date to make things go your way" course that John was teaching us all. Very informative.
I remember watching my dad working on spreadsheets on his IBM PC when I was 5 or so. I suppose even 4, but I can't say I remember it. It wasn't for quite a few more years until I actually start using it, man my parents got mad at the long distance bills I would run up dialing out-of-state BBSes.
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