my posts keep disappearing

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New member
Jul 16, 2008
hey, there seems to be a problem in that some of my posts are disappearing and no, they aren't trolling, flaming or spammy.

Perfect example is the .htaccess problem seo_mike was having in the programming forum.

I posted the .htaccess code i use along with an explanation of how it works from home last night, come in to work today to see any replies and its gone.

wtf is happening? Is a mod removing my posts or is there a problem with the site?

Your posts are in the moderation queue, because you have less than 10 posts.

Relax. WF still loves you.

A little.
After a few days take a look at your wf profile. Click on "posts by this person" and you will probably find your posts. They will be buried by all of the other posts, so give them a little bump.
oh i c, thats why my posts are not showing up, i thought my cache problem, thanks for the information, but when i posted here, its appears, may be only in some areas
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