My new ride to work ...


Dec 12, 2007

Electric skateboard/mountain board. Ride this baby to work now, about 2 miles each way. Tons of fun! Goes about 20mph. Yesterday hit a dirt patch on the sidewalk and wiped out big time. Didn't have any gear on, my hands are tore up, but I was back riding it that same night!

Share your guilty pleasures, just curious what kinda toys you guys have ... other than your fleshlight.


Electric skateboard/mountain board. Ride this baby to work now, about 2 miles each way. Tons of fun! Goes about 20mph. Yesterday hit a dirt patch on the sidewalk and wiped out big time. Didn't have any gear on, my hands are tore up, but I was back riding it that same night!

Share your guilty pleasures, just curious what kinda toys you guys have ... other than your tenga flip hole from OnaToys.

Fixed that for you.

I just got a pair of these freeline skates, they are two blocks that go under each foot and you move by moving your feet in an S shape. The videos of ppl riding on them are pretty cool, but fuck they are hard to learn how to ride.

20 mph on that thing!? 0.0 damn! that's too fast lol. badass though. i remember dreaming of a hoverboard when i was a kid used to see ads for em in the back of the popular science magazines lol ah.....
Wide skateboards + soft wheels do it for me.

Long boards, yeah fun to cruise around on it. Kinda gay if you're white with blonde hair, might as well be in a frat, "bruh". *chest-bump*

Get some good road-bike and ride the shyt outta it.
What voltage does it consume? Your streets open enough for that?

EDIT: 666th Post. Satan Incarnate.

EDIT AGAIN: Sorry. Just Had to for this.

Fixed that for you.

I just got a pair of these freeline skates, they are two blocks that go under each foot and you move by moving your feet in an S shape. The videos of ppl riding on them are pretty cool, but fuck they are hard to learn how to ride.

There's nothing holding these to the bottom of their feet, fucking freeline skates how do they work.
I fell off a fast motorized skateboard that looked like this, I'm a pretty good skater but once you go like 20 mph on a board that shit wobbles. I wiped out big time on it fucked my arms up.