My Most Useful Tool - Automate - automation rocks!!!!

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New member
Mar 19, 2007
Victorville, CA
Here it is.... AutoMate - The Leading Windows Business Process Automation Software by Network Automation It's called Automate. It has some really great features. I can use it to query databases and write files with that data (page generation), set it up to use forms to automatically submit information to sign up for stuff or create accounts. It's a good solid package. Plenty of things you can automate and scripts you can run. It can be used as a bulk mailer as well. It's features are endless. Nothing you can't do in any scripting language, but the interface is a lot easier to follow for complex operations.

Do you guys use anything similar?

I haven't had a chance to really check it out yet but thanks for the resource anyway, I'm going to be working on my own fully automated system here shortly, I know a lot of people say their are already ton's of them around but I plan on creating one completely automated and tailored to my needs. Not sure when it'll ever get done though.
I paid Close to $600 for it I believe. It's not really an automated system. It's a development platform that you can create your own automation with.
This is why I use unix systems :) shell scripts rule.
Also theres an automator for OSX but haven't had much of a play around with it. If you want a free alternative for web stuff check out Watir for ruby.
You paid $600 for PHP? :error:

Just kidding, but seriously, 30 minutes in PHP and I have a scraper all set up to go to a database.


LOL, nope it's not just PHP. I should probably write a little more about it and give you some screen shots just to explain what I'm talking about. Shell Scripts are fine, windows scheduler is the same thing.

I'll write a little bit up about it and post it. It's really a handy piece of software.
So its probably just a cron-mysql-php solution hosted on their servers


Nope, it's run as a service on your local windows machine. Below are some screen shots of a normal setup program that queries one database then another database and writes information from both to a file. Took about 20 minutes to setup and schedule.

You can also set it up to fill out forms on websites, including flash sites move the mouse to certain positions on the screen and click, etc... Just look through the list of functions.

Yes you can perform all the same actions below with programming. It's just an easier interface that saves time.


Look at the image above on the left and this images to see all the functions it can perform.

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