My List Of Ringtone Offers And Payouts From 5 Different Affiliate Networks

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
I was sick of going back to different affiliate sites and logging in to see all the available ringtone offers and their payouts. So I decided to put this list together. I figured a lot of other people would find it useful as well, especially if your not part of these affiliate networks, and were wondering what offers they have and how much they pay. Also, it should be noted that some of the networks have the same companies as publishers, but different landing pages.

EDIT: Ok fuck. I didn't realize it was such a big deal before I posted it, but now I see that it is probably a bad idea to post this, since I already was contacted by one company. I just thought it was a pretty cool list that would help people pick which offers and networks to run.

I don't want to stir up any shit with any of these companies that I have accounts with and risk getting banned.

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Wow.. this list, while good for affiliates, can definitely piss off a lot of the networks because now their "street prices" are made public. But hey, good job on reaping the benefits of the aff links!
$17 for the mobile sidewalk offer, thats pretty decent. I dont do ringtones anymore but that offer converted well when i was running it
Wow.. this list, while good for affiliates, can definitely piss off a lot of the networks because now their "street prices" are made public. But hey, good job on reaping the benefits of the aff links!

I was thinking that the networks might get kinda mad too, but I really think this is stuff they shouldn't hide and should make it public anyways. I basically joined all these networks myself, because something like wasn't available.

But if you think its bad, its your call, so I'll take it down, or you can, if you don't want it up.
Just so you know payouts vary by individuals. So what you get as a payout may be way different than what someone is getting or is able to get.

I don't want peopel to get confused when they see payouts that differ from theirs...
EDIT: Ok fuck. I didn't realize it was such a big deal before I posted it, but now I see that it is probably a bad idea to post this, since I already was contacted by one company. I just thought it was a pretty cool list that would help people pick which offers and networks to run.

I don't want to stir up any shit with any of these companies that I have accounts with and risk getting banned.


Yeah.. Two of the networks on that list contacted me asking if I could remove it, but I left it up to you, since it doesn't really effect me. It sucks too though because I wanted to make a database/active list similar to what you posted, and every network got all pissy about it because even though they all have "undercover" accounts in eachother's networks so they can spy on the competition, none of them want to come out and make the fairly public info legitimately public. Ah well, it's their call though, not ours to bitch about.
Sounded like this was interesting - shame I missed it.

I can understand you not wanting to risk your accounts, but it would say a lot about the networks if you (or Jon) could reveal which ones asked for the info to be removed. What have they got to hide?
In regards to ringtones, wouldnt conversions be just as important as price? I always see posts of everyone bouncing looking for the highest payout but isnt conversion a big concern too?

Ringtone offers are so volatile, I have seen conversion from 1% - 12% on various offers based on time of day. I would think the stability of the conversion rate should be the major concern.
Yep conversions are important as well. But obviously if you have pretty big difference in price, then you can let the conversion rate slip a little.

I planned on adding all the example landing page URLs to my list too so I could see what was what, and how I thought each one would convert. So I could kind of weed out the crappy ones.
I was running an offer that was getting 10-12% and a few days it'd drop down to 2-4% and then jump back to normal. (non-copeac) WTF why. Also, i'd like more info on what is currently getting 12% i'll be glad to take that answer in a pm =)
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What is the perfect mix of price and conversion?

I don't think there is a perfect balance. Every campaign is different. PPC costs vary, conversions vary, payouts vary.

Although, since you're asking...I want a campaign that paysout $100 per lead, has a ton of searches, cheap traffic (under $0.10 per click) and converts 50% or more of the time :D
not only price and conversion but how it reacts to certain traffic.... Also feel free to post prices and make networks compete but don't be dumb enough to do it on this board.... make your own blog keep all your info private then no one will be the wiser.

REAL affiliates know there a lot more then just payout to an offer, also know there's a lot more to a relationship with the affiliate networks as well. However it would be an interesting case study.... And would probably be a successful site. I'd say promote it as it wasn't yours :p

Hey guys I found this sweet ass site that posts all the up to date base level payouts for all the networks. :D

Might be more difficult to monetize then just straight affiliate signups but with enough traffic I'm sure you could work things out with the networks.
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