My life in a nutshell, should it be a book?


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
edit: this is unedited, and it rambles. (lol that this is an edit)

I've thought for a long time my life might make a good book. Anytime I tell someone my life story they act as though I'm full of shit, possibly because the things that have happened I'm totally comfortable with discussing where most people would not be, but it's really just been that crazy.

The thread on the biked got me thinking about something that happened to my kid this summer, and got my blood boiling all over again, so I wanted to post this to dispel the notion that people are rational, and it grew a bit back to the thought of turning it into a book.

I'm going to time line some of the stand outs. There are plenty of other things that are harder to put into list format, and things like a couple death threats that I didn't take seriously enough to consider a real possibility, etc, that I'm skipping over.

For background, and this would be a large portion of the books tone, my childhood was rough, I was from my moms first marriage, and my mom and step dad were very partial to their own children. My mom treated me like a reminder of her shitty life before, and my step dad didn't know what to do with me. I suppose I'd juxtapose that with how well I get along with my step dad now.

I'd talk about growing up, rough shit when I was a teen (started college at 15), failing out of multiple schools, starting my first company, building my nut, loosing it, and, now trying to build it again.

What do you think, would it make a good book? Here are the shit events, as they'd be the staples, the rest serve as (hopefully) interesting filler:

18 months : Kidnapped and held hostage, briefly.

5 years - 6 years : molested regularly.

8 years: mugged by a teenager, managed to escape by bashing his head against a hand dryer in a taco bell bathroom. A couple weeks later I was spotted by the same kid, he chased me shouting he was going to finish me off, and narrowly escaped by hiding.

9 years: tackled by an older boy who attempted to stab me with a broken bottle.
9 years: had my play fort set on fire whilst I was inside.
9 years: kicked out of school, after a boy and I ran into each other playing baseball. He was hurt worse, so I was expelled - racially motivated (I was the only white child).

11: forced to perform oral sex on a older boy

12: attacked by 3 boys, one with a crow bar because I liked the same girl as one of the boys.

16: crazed man came after me a tire iron screaming obscenities about "mormons like you", only stopped chasing me when I desperately told him I wasn't mormon, and hated them too. (I'm not, I don't)

17: had my jaw broken in a sucker punch from the side by someone I had never met

17: the girl I was dating disappeared. wasn't at school, teachers, friends, even siblings didn't know where she was. I thought her abusive dad had finally killed her. Drove to their house, left car running so I could escape (expected to be shot at), and stormed into her house and (through a wired shut jaw) confronted her dad. They'd sent her to a teen center to "fix her" because she was dating me, a "non member" (that means not a mormon). Did not get shot at.

A week later she sneaked a call out, but could only tell me it was a large blue building near train tracks in provo utah. A week alter I packed my shit up, left home, and drive to find her. Went to the county assessors office and talked my way into their maps. Found the tracks and wrote down the addresses of the largest buildings near tracks, and started searching. Found the place, watched it till Sunday when a large van left and followed it to Church. Waited till service was in session, then went in and sat on the row behind her. Tapped her on the shoulder. Her look was priceless.

We went out and chatted, cried together, etc. I offered to break her out that night, she turned me down and then we broke up. I promised I'd be back for her someday, and 14 months later after she turned 18, I came back, and we were married 6 months later. This story was long because it hold a special place.

18: was attacked by a crazed driver, who ended up, through a series of events, going through the windshield of my car, and was then chased into a gas station were I was saved by some customers.

18: my girlfriend and I moved in together. 2 weeks later she brought her ex-boyfriend home, came in the front door holding hands, looked at me, walked straight into the bedroom. That was rough.

20: my wife and I were car chased by a crazed driver until we managed to get far enough ahead (we were doing nearly 100mph on an icy two lane road) and then flip off the lights and drive up an unplowed road far enough that when the truck flew past the driver didn't notice us (we were doing nearly 100mph on an icy two lane road). We waited up the hill for over an hour while the truck turned around numerous times, apparently looking for where we'd gone. No idea what would have happened had the driver found us.

21: a angry client sent photos with movie style X's and death threats, interpol and the doj took statements from me, apparently this guy had some actual shit on him.

22: was gaming pretty hard, was in a CSS clan. When I left the clan the founder of the clan threatened to kill my entire family and bury the bodies under his house. He wasn't kidding, turns out he'd served time for attempting, with a small group of nutbags, to blow up a abortion clinic in the early 90's.

It's been pretty mundane since then, and as a result of my experiences I go out of my way to help people, I seem to gain respect very easily, and take command of almost any situation. The shit I went through sucked, but I wouldn't change most of it.

<...> I promised I'd be back for her someday, and 14 months later after she turned 18, I came back, and we were married 6 months later. This story was long because it hold a special place.


18: my girlfriend and I moved in together. 2 weeks later she brought her ex-boyfriend home, came in the front door holding hands, looked at me, walked straight into the bedroom. That was rough.

20: my wife and I were car chased by a crazed driver until we managed to get far enough ahead <...>

Can't make heads or tails of this series of events... who was girl, who was wife?

How can Interpol take statements from you? It has no police powers. You do realize that Interpol acts as an administrative liaison between the law-enforcement agencies right? The way Interpol is portrayed in the movies is pure fiction.

Each member country of Interpol designates a point of contact as a liaison to other member countries. That way if the FBI wants to track someone down who is hiding in Australia, they can use Interpol to quickly share information with the correct Australian law enforcement agency. That's it.

You pretty much just got busted dude. Also I'm not sure what you mean by the DoJ taking statements from you. What official from the DoJ took statements from you? Usually the DoJ has federal law enforcement officers doing that. You do realize the FBI is part of the DoJ right?

What Do Interpol Agents Really Do?

"Agents of Interpol" have been a media theme for many years, but they're a media invention. There are no Interpol agents.

Interpol is an international association of governments with the mission of assisting and coordinating law enforcement efforts among its members. It has no police powers itself.

Each member country designates a point of contact, a liaison to the other members. When some investigation or prosecution requires the assistance of another member country, the law enforcement agency needing the assistance contacts the liaison for its government. After reviewing the request for propriety and proclivity for giving rise to international incident, the liaison contacts his opposite number in the other country. That liaison, on getting approval, forwards the request to the appropriate law enforcement agency in his country.

Roman Polanski was the focus of an Interpol operation when he went to Switzerland to accept an award. Polanski has been living in France since the late 1970s to avoid a prison sentence for a crime in California. France has refused to extradite him. Switzerland was more inclined to entertain extradition.

I imagine the process went something like this: on hearing that Polanski was going to Switzerland, someone in the California attorney general's office (or the Los Angeles district attorney, or maybe LAPD—this is all conjecture) sent a message over the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) to the Interpol liaison at the FBI, asking for help from the Swiss cops. The FBI sent the message to the Interpol guy in Switzerland, who got in touch with the appropriate Swiss agencies. At some point, the two agency reps in each country were talking to each other directly, with the Interpol reps staying in the loop.

The Swiss cops arrested Polanski, but after their courts reviewed the case, they elected not to allow Polanski to be extradited. Polanski flew back to France, where, so far as I know, he remains.

Few countries will permit anyone but their own officers to exercise any police powers in their country. Foreigners can ask another country's police to arrest someone or interview a witness, but the host country can tell the requestor to pound sand, too. Interpol helps grease the skids, ensuring that the request won't ruffle any feathers and that proper protocol is followed. It's an association with no officers or powers of its own. There are no international cops. When a cop leaves his home country, he becomes a private citizen.

I can't really comment about the rest of your story, but that little mistake about Interpol puts everything you said into doubt.

I think the people who accused you of talking bullshit were pretty much right. Even our beloved mod EMP is having trouble figuring this shit out.
Do you still feel traumatised and effected by the sexual abuse in your childhood? To what extent?
BTW probably one of my best business related skills is vetting people and finding out who's a lying sack of shit. It has allowed me to hire some very talented people as well as avoid sociopaths and egomaniacs.

I like to keep track of everything people say to me and then determine if everything adds up. You'd be amazed at the number of people who will tell a lie, forget they told said lie, and then tell you something contradictory later on.
BTW probably one of my best business related skills is vetting people and finding out who's a lying sack of shit. It has allowed me to hire some very talented people as well as avoid sociopaths and egomaniacs.

I like to keep track of everything people say to me and then determine if everything adds up. You'd be amazed at the number of people who will tell a lie, forget they told said lie, and then tell you something contradictory later on.

Hold on right there. Even after accusing him of that, what on earth would someone benefit from posting anonymously on a forum about something that is potentially.. & yet to be set in motion?
You've had a fair few terrible things happen to you, and good for you to get through it all, but a book needs a narrative of some sort. A point that it's driving towards.

Having the book end with your life becoming mundane and uneventful at the age of 22 isn't a great ending, either.
Hold on right there. Even after accusing him of that, what on earth would someone benefit from posting anonymously on a forum about something that is potentially.. & yet to be set in motion?

Are you asking what benefit does Skyfire gain from lying to us? I want to make sure I understand your question before I answer it.
18: my girlfriend and I moved in together. 2 weeks later she brought her ex-boyfriend home, came in the front door holding hands, looked at me, walked straight into the bedroom. That was rough.

...and you kicked the fucking bedroom door in, dragged her out by the hair and smashed the ex-boyfriends face in, right?
Hold on right there. Even after accusing him of that, what on earth would someone benefit from posting anonymously on a forum about something that is potentially.. & yet to be set in motion?

Twilight had a better story.

On a more serious note. No. You're story is pretty typical for your average poor income family sad to say. I mean half the shit you pointed out is grasping at straws trying to pull something out of nothing. Yea it sucks that you had to go through it, but it beats living in Africa eating dirt cookies.
If you're going to go the "bad shit happened to me" route, then unfortunately, I think there's a whole lot of people out there that can put your story to shame. Imagine being a little black kid growing up in a US ghetto somewhere, mom's a whore, and dad's a drug dealer? Would imagine their life story is quite a bit more screwed up.

BTW... why make this thread? Just having a rough day and reflecting a bit, or what's up?
Yes. I don't know if you two have history (I haven't noticed his previous posts either), but please elaborate.

Skyfire posted this thread to stroke his own ego, and it backfired horribly.

I do not have a history of trolling Skyfire. I invite you to look at my post history.

I merely pointed out the fact that Skyfire's claim that Interpol took his statement is demonstrably false because that is not how Interpol operates in real life. Interpol only operates this way in movies and tv.
I merely pointed out the fact that Skyfire's claim that Interpol took his statement is demonstrably false because that is not how Interpol operates in real life. Interpol only operates this way in movies and tv.

Come on, he could have just accidentally mixed up the words. Maybe the FBI took the report, and mentioned Interpol had a file on the guy.

You're right though, getting on Interpol's shit list isn't exactly easy. You have to be involved in some pretty major stuff, like trafficking of humans or diamonds across country borders, don't you?