My Internet is Fucking Up


New member
Jun 25, 2006
My internet is acting shitty, and I don't know how to fix it. Basically when I'm browsing, it stops loading things halfway every now and then. What I mean is that sometimes the style sheets will load, other times they won't. Sometimes all of the images will appear, other times only half will appear. To put the icing on the cake, sometimes I can't log into cPanel or WHM, as if the port is blocked or something. The one time I got in, I was only in for a few minutes (that's what she said) before Safari said:

Safari can’t connect to the server.
Safari can’t open the page “" because Safari can’t connect to the server “”.

Same thing happened with Firefox. I'm on OS X, and this has never happened before. Any ideas?

Our internet down here in Spain is shit right now too. Lagging big time. Some pages are taking forever to load like Facebook. Had serious connection issues with Poker Stars last night. Earl is having a hard time too and he's just a 20 min drive from me. I thought it might be the influx of summer traffic with all the holiday makers about but whatever it is, something isn't right here and it's not us.
My connection has been real intermittent for the last two days. But it's probably just comcast being a bitch.
Yea I have a shit ton of work to do and this is just pissing me off. I ended up resetting the router/whatever the fuck you call it and my MBP and that fixed things for a bit. But now everything is back to being slow and it's really starting to get to me.
the same problem also occured to me for the past few months... i also contacted my net provider but still it isn't fix the problem...
Yea, same symptoms. However everything is fine on my end right now. If it comes back I'll probably go through that thread and figure out what's up.
all the employees of the telcom company were probably laid off, what are you guys up to, 20% now?

Yeah, Spain is pushing 20% unemployment. Telefonica is probably the worst company I've ever had to deal with. We thought Telus was shit back home in Canada before we ever came here, but they've got nothing on Telefonica's level of incompetence.
Yeah, Spain is pushing 20% unemployment. Telefonica is probably the worst company I've ever had to deal with. We thought Telus was shit back home in Canada before we ever came here, but they've got nothing on Telefonica's level of incompetence.

ouch. time to loosen restrictions and bring back more manufacturing jobs. is Telefonica state run?
is Telefonica state run?

No, it's a private company. They're one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world servicing the Spanish and Portuguese markets both in Europe and South America. They practically have a monopoly on the market here in Spain which accounts for their shitty service IMO. However, that's slowly being chipped away at by other carriers, especially in mobile.

Telefónica | About Telefónica | Who we are

Dunno if 20% is Depression numbers, but it's certainly depressing. A lot of Spaniards are out of work from their city jobs so they are returning to field work for €4 an hour, which is having a knock on effect of displacing the illegal immigrant Africans that have come here to do those kinds of jobs.
No, it's a private company. They're one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world servicing the Spanish and Portuguese markets both in Europe and South America. They practically have a monopoly on the market here in Spain which accounts for their shitty service IMO. However, that's slowly being chipped away at by other carriers, especially in mobile.

Telefónica | About Telefónica | Who we are

Dunno if 20% is Depression numbers, but it's certainly depressing. A lot of Spaniards are out of work from their city jobs so they are returning to field work for €4 an hour, which is having a knock on effect of displacing the illegal immigrant Africans that have come here to do those kinds of jobs.

After the edit period passed I saw about the old Spanish telecom laws, and how they used to be the only provider up until 1997.

24% was the highest in the USA during the great depression, with an average of around 18%, so 20% is definitely depression numbers. Everything I've seen is that this got worse for Spain when they implemented the cap/trade laws, and the funding of 'green' jobs (1 new green job was made for every 2.5 jobs lost as a result of new restrictions)
Comcast is ok, done allot of work for them and also have their 6 Meg HSI which is ok. Im doing work for Service Electric now, they offer 30 Meg service for about $80 per month, that is the shit!

Sounds like your computer not your connection, try power cycling the modem. If you have cable it could be a number of things from a bad compression fitting somewhere along the line, ingress, water in tap, bad port so on. Usually its the simplest thing. If you havent power cycle the modem and router if you have one. Also release and renew your IP.