My Game Plan

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New member
Jan 3, 2007
So I've decided to try and market some CPA offers. Here is my current game plan.

Build a site related to problem X and product that short term solves problem X
Get a blog that has information that will long term help problem x, but for immediate help, product x is the way to go

have the blog just giving information and try to get people to join the mailing list, where i offer a "problem x solving guide" which is a 10 part email auto follow up. On day 5, I introduce the product with a full review (day 1-4 is to build trust).

Day 7, another email that says people had questions and I give answers about the product.

At the same time, have a product review page on the blog and make it stand out.

A separate PPC landing page on the site, which should be good for my QS.

Traffic to blog will be SEO.

Tell me what you guys think. Anything need any changes?

Hell, it's as good a plan as any...

All you can do is try it and see what happens.

Over time make adjustments as you see fit.

No plan is ever perfect so go on and do it already.
Hell, it's as good a plan as any...

All you can do is try it and see what happens.

Over time make adjustments as you see fit.

No plan is ever perfect so go on and do it already.

Yup already have the site pretty much done. Contacting the company that creates the product... seeing if I can get more information on it and have days 1-4 of the autoresponder set up.
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