My first niche site. Think this will work?

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Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
Yesterday I decided I was going to enter the wonderful world of niche websites. But, I couldn't come up with any ideas... nothing that I really cared to write 10 pages of bullshit about.

I was looking through one of my website's logs, and I noticed a whole lot of people come to that site through a very specific combination of two keywords. At least a dozen a day. Every day. Consistently.

So I googled those two words myself and my website appears in the top 10 out of 213,000 sites for those keywords, even without quotation marks around the keywords. Score.

So, I figure I'll get a free blogger account, make those two keywords my username, and throw up some adsense. It'll cost me nothing, and I'll even place some of my affiliate banners that I use now on my other sites.

Since the website that people are already finding with those keywords is a PR4, I'll just link the blogger account from that page. I'm thinking I might push my way to the top of the search engine for those two keywords.

The keywords aren't even that obscure, which amazes me.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Before I begin, anything specific I should keep in mind so I don't royally fuck this up?

Use content generators and keyword generators to speed up the process. Dont go overboard though.
Use content generators and keyword generators to speed up the process. Dont go overboard though.

I think I can generate the content without generators. 4 or 5 pages should do it. I just checked and I can register an SEO-friendly domain name using those two keywords. No hyphens. Just those two keywords plus a .net at the end. :) This is falling together nicely. As far as I can see, there is little or no competition in this niche.
Nice little niches like that are hard to find.

Congrats, sounds like you scored!

Thanks! I plan on putting the site up this weekend when I have a little free time. I'll let everyone know how it goes. Since this will be my first niche site, this should be a good learning experience, and hopefully will net me a few dollars.
Before I begin, anything specific I should keep in mind so I don't royally fuck this up?

Yes. Don't use auto content generators and "throw up" some adsense and affiliate banners. Don't make a crap site is what I am saying.

Instead write quality articles yourself, spend time exploring the niche and become an expert. Carefull integrate Adsense and affiliate ads, encourage users to leave comments etc.

Make a site that people will refer friends to and encourage repeat visitors. Don't make a site that people will immediately be able to tell is purely for the sake of getting people to click Adsense ads etc. You will only lose out in the long term.
If you're going to monetize it with Adsense, you might want to take a look at the ad inventory for the niche. Check the # of advertisers when you search the term in Google, and take a look at what says too. Even if you get some good volume, getting $0.02 clicks is no fun.
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