My First Conversion: Comments & Suggestions

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New member
Jul 17, 2008
So, I got approved to copeac. Great, but I hadn't had any success with any other networks (although, I didn't try much).

Anyway, I'm on day to and I've made $20 so far, mainly from 1 offer, I've been targeting Canadians to start.

I basically spam Free -Insert Item I'm Promoting- on craigslist and run it 1-3 times per day, in hopes that it will get a few conversions. So far, $16.80 earned, and a $0.44 EPC. Great, but thats with traffic that clicks looking for it. I will post to multiple locations on craigslist, etc however my CL bot just stopped working, if anyone could point me to one that works (some update seems to have stopped it this morning, it worked perfect yesterday) I'd appreciate it.

Anyway, I was hoping for suggestions (with FREE ways to continue making conversions).

Almost forgot to mention, I am using Gray Hat techniques right now, I'd like to move closer to white while maintaining and increasing my earnings. Right now I am using very tricky wording on my ads giving the impression that you don't have to complete offers to receive your item.

Any suggestions/comments are welcome. Oh, and I gave up on the hosting for now, I think this is working better.

EPN has earned me $10 to date by the way, 1000 clicks earned that however I know they are cookied for 30 days, so perhaps I'll earn more from them :)

I've been considering mail spam (can-spam compliant), any suggestions/comments on that would also be appreciated.

Anyway, I'm on day to and I've made $20 so far, mainly from 1 offer, I've been targeting Canadians to start.

Cool man, thats a start

Anyway, I was hoping for suggestions (with FREE ways to continue making conversions).
I haven't personally tried this, but you can try Ebay. I hear it works pretty well for some people. I think it only works for certain niches. Couldn't hurt to at least try it.

I've been considering mail spam (can-spam compliant), any suggestions/comments on that would also be appreciated.
Read a few good threads in the Art of Mailing area. I'm no mail guru, but I do know that you'd have to be mailing some serious volume.
Already done ebay. I had 1kish clicks work out to $16, now Im waiting to see what my next 10k I sent will work out too :)
Matt, If you are serious about this business you will need to think of more original ideas.

Spamming craiglist is not exactly brain science (and it doesn't convert too well either).

If you want a 'free' way to make money you are pretty much in the wrong place.

This kind of mindset can kill off an affiliate before they have even begun - it may work for small change, but once you crave bigger payouts you will naturally look at 'free' methods which are never going to give you a return on your time.

Don't take this as a criticism I just wanted to give you a heads up on what I have seen happen so many times. Its great getting your first payout, its how you build on it and what you have learned that will benefit you in the long term.

Good luck.
Please take note that Copeac does not allow the spamming of any third party site, what you are doing on craigs list is against our TOS and if found you risk losing your account with us.
Oh, I didn't even know that mkrongel. I'll stop posting on CL. I'll move onto email campaigns for now I guess.
Oh, I didn't even know that mkrongel. I'll stop posting on CL. I'll move onto email campaigns for now I guess.

It's for the best..they've made it so hard to promote affiliate offers even though it doesn't convert well. I would stick to the good ol methods of email/PPC/SEO and in the long run you'll be much more glad you did.

I'm doing great now guys. I've started promoting an offer on CJ and yesterday alone I earned $274 with email traffic. I have a targeted mailing list but thats still a ton of money in my opinion.
Oh, I didn't even know that mkrongel. I'll stop posting on CL. I'll move onto email campaigns for now I guess.

You might want to read Copeac's TOS on spam email and the laws about the CAN SPAM act as well. I'm just saying. You'll get more than dumped from a network if you spam.
Spamming craiglist is not exactly brain science (and it doesn't convert too well either).

I think you meant rocket science and it kinda is (at least there is a definite skill set to learn that is consistently changing and adapting) You're also wrong about the conversion factor.
I think you meant rocket science and it kinda is (at least there is a definite skill set to learn that is consistently changing and adapting) You're also wrong about the conversion factor.

Haha, brain science. I didn't notice that before
No, I meant brain science (look it up) - but thanks for the helpful input turbolapp.

As for conversion rates, they are shit in comparison to other alternatives.
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