My first content database site

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paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
So here I am getting my first php and sql hands-on experience. I've done basic php tweaking on existing scripts. I've done some SQL in Access which from what I can tell is basically the same.

I'm using the free music video content database supplied to me by signing up for Seocracy's Content Club. I've successfully imported my data. I've connected to my database and ran my first query to pull the distinct genres.

According to Eli's SEO Empire Part 1 post at BlueHatSEO this site is mainly used for backlinks, meaning I need to generate as many pages as possible using this data, correct?

My ideas for the site are below

Have a page for each genre, listing the artist
Have a page for each artist listing each song
Have a page for each song with a link to the video
Have page for each letter of the alphabet. I wanted to list the artists that began with that letter.

I'm sure these are pretty basic functions of a content database site.

Will I only need to create an index.php and the rest of the content will be dynamically generated? I won't need to create a separate genres.php, artists.php pages?

Are there any tutorials out there for content database sites? I'm having a tough time grasping how the site will know which content to generate.

The site so far:

You also might to put a .htaccess file in the root directory of your site with the line: Options -Indexes
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