My First Blog

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New member
Sep 26, 2006
Well i just created my first blog a couple day ago. I was wondering what you guys though about it? There are only a few posts and they are pretty much random/videos. I wasn't really sure what to write about so I've just been making random posts that interest me. Will people look at this? I haven't got any ads up or anything yet. I'm just trying to see if i can get some traffic. Anyway please criticize my blog.

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good blog but sorry you have to have more posts under your belt to advertise it here. I'm keeping this in moderation. If anyone else wants to approve it, by all means.
I like the content of your blog. The problem is, how will people FIND your blog if it has no unifying theme?
Some suggestions:

1. Get rid of the WordPress "Hello World" post.

2. Totally random blogs are tricky to SEO well and having a high picture/video to text ratio doesn't help either. However, they can get popular on social networking sites if your content is good. If you want to stay unfocused, concentrate on social networking to deliver the bulk of your traffic.

3. Watch the number of videos per post. 2 is OK but don't go overboard like you did in the Wonder Years post. Also adding a couple of catchy sentences about each video is also helpful.

4. You need more posts before your promotion efforts will pay off. With as few posts as you have people may visit once and that's it. You want them to bookmark your site and/or subscribe to your RSS feed.

5. It's not a good idea to hop into a forum as a noob and start promoting your site (as you 've seen). To long term forum promote, build up a small reputation in the forum first with a string of good posts, probably about 25-50, then add a simple sig line and eventually start promo-ing individual blog posts in your forum posts. There are, of course, shortcuts but they'll usually get you banned.
the ATM receipt trick is old news, they talked about that shit on Tom Lycus over 6 years ago, chicks know this shit trust me, well at least hot ones will, but why would you need this to land ugly ones anyway?
Some suggestions:

1. Get rid of the WordPress "Hello World" post.

2. Totally random blogs are tricky to SEO well and having a high picture/video to text ratio doesn't help either. However, they can get popular on social networking sites if your content is good. If you want to stay unfocused, concentrate on social networking to deliver the bulk of your traffic.

3. Watch the number of videos per post. 2 is OK but don't go overboard like you did in the Wonder Years post. Also adding a couple of catchy sentences about each video is also helpful.

4. You need more posts before your promotion efforts will pay off. With as few posts as you have people may visit once and that's it. You want them to bookmark your site and/or subscribe to your RSS feed.

5. It's not a good idea to hop into a forum as a noob and start promoting your site (as you 've seen). To long term forum promote, build up a small reputation in the forum first with a string of good posts, probably about 25-50, then add a simple sig line and eventually start promo-ing individual blog posts in your forum posts. There are, of course, shortcuts but they'll usually get you banned.

Great Post. The hardest part about me starting a blog was deciding what to blog about. That is why it is just a random blog. Any suggestions to help me narrow it down for this or a future blog.

Also, I am new to the whole social bookmarking thing. Are there any good resources to learn about them and how to build traffic? Do you have any personal advice?

Thanks for any help. Also, sorry about the post. I thought blog reviews was a more comon thing here.
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