My First Attempt: How do I meet my goals?

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New member
Jul 17, 2008
So, I've set myself a goal to do 1 hosting referral over the weekend. Doesn't seem like much, I've got a referral link, a 15% off coupon to redirect people with, an addition 10% coupon to give people once the 15% coupon expires.

I'm basically wondering how I should go about getting others to sign up here, I've got an affiliate link, I have no money to invest though. What would you recommend as the best FREE way to do this?

I am open to spending hours on forums posting, anything. I am really hoping I'll be able to achieve my first goal, and perhaps from their I'll be able to improvise each time.

I realize forum posting is an option, but how would you recommend I go about it or is there a better alternative?

Matt Dunbar

Oh, and if you want to help fill my goal there an awesome host and you can see the details in my signature :)

Sorry for triple post, but I have been on yahoo answers for about 20 minutes now and am yet to see a question relating to hosting.
Create one then.

Clear cookies etc etc along the way.
Wouldn't yahoo out of all companies be smart enough to limit this... but anyway, thats great for me :)

Sorry, I didn't think of that, I'll do that next time.
Sorry for the quadruple post.....
okay WTF is that about... lol

Anyway, I'm out of answers for yahoo answers, in my hour on there, I think I managed to get 1 click, maybe I'll get a few more as people see the answers. Anyway, any suggestions for other methods will be appreciated. I am working on getting my ranking on Yahoo Answers up so I can get into the unlimited category. And the delete cookies thing DOESN'T work.
Still looking for help, here are my stats, no clicks from yahoo by the looks of it:

Perhaps the N/A Referral was from Yahoo?

N/A - Possible Bookmark or Email Link 07-25-08 7:35pm 07-25-08 7:17pm 07-25-08 5:46pm 07-25-08 5:42pm

I've never tried this so I'm not sure how well it will work. You could throw together a quick landing page and submit it to Stumble Upon. That should get you some quick traffic, I'm not sure how willing stumble traffic is willing to buy though.

MattDunbar said:
Sorry, I didn't think of that, I'll do that next time.

No biggy, just don't let it happen again ;)
I've never tried this so I'm not sure how well it will work. You could throw together a quick landing page and submit it to Stumble Upon. That should get you some quick traffic, I'm not sure how willing stumble traffic is willing to buy though.

No biggy, just don't let it happen again ;)
Really like that first idea, any suggestions on doing a landing page I haven't done one yet. I'm thinking just say why the product is good? And I would buy one but I don't have money so don't try to advertise to me. If anyone wants to exchange a landing page for something I'll code in PHP I'm up for it though. :)
right now I've got a $150 facebook ad campaign - of course there conversions are total crap and so forth so. I've spent $70 of it aprox so far and not 1 conversion - $70 actually worked out to < 20 clicks. I've been sending FB users right to my referral link since they don't have a big TOS like adwords. Any suggestions for other free methods of getting traffic would be much appreciated. That is converting traffic. I've got about 7 hours left to meet my goal of one sale of a hosting plan. Any ideas?
Seems like you are targeting the wrong market with the wrong product. Hope you learn something from this, the majority of people don't want or need web hosting, your target market are affiliates that know better (not facebook masses) and more likely digital point types or ebook suckers. The problem you also have is it's highly competitive to begin with and then you broadly targetted a market place that mostly has no interest in what you are selling. Use the remainder if you time/budget pimping something else.
Positive guys, I did it off of my free $150 credit though lol :p

And yes, FB Advertising is that bad. Try UK.

And I have no investment, trust me if I had money there is NO WAY I'd be at facebook. I'd be buying a landing page from someone then going to adwords.
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