My Concept - Would it work?


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
I've had this idea for awhile now and would never develop it. I'm throwing it out here for others to see if the concept is even worth developing. If you think it's a winner, by all means, do something with it. I'm sure people can get creative with the idea.

Anyways, here it is. I was thinking about making a site called "I Buy With Numbers" or "The Power Of You" you know, something along those lines. Basically I was going to try and get in with the big time manufacturers and have a website that basically gets everybody together for a specific product and puts their bid in for it. As the number of people that want the product grows, the price go's down. Just like how the big retailers by bulk items to get a cheaper price for the product. Same concept here, it's just cutting them out. Now here's the thing I didn't really develop on. I didn't really hash out the details with the shipping. I mean, I don't really think the manufacturer would actually drop ship these items for you.

It's obvious you would be able to monetize the shit out of the site. You could also hit the consumer with a little fee for doing business. They would still save a shit load of money anyways. I mean, let's face it, the retailers can markup a product pretty good. Just look at furniture and clothing. They probably buy most of their clothing for 5 bucks and mark that shit up to 50-100.

I wasn't clear of how the items would be shipped to the consumer. I just thought it was an interesting concept.

I do not think this concept exists still. I may be wrong, but who knows. I've had the idea for awhile and have not checked out the scene for a little while now. It wasn't developed when I originally had this idea.

I haven't seen this and I really like the concept.

In terms of shipping, if you are dealing with the manufacture in advance, they could possibly drop ship it.
There are several inherent problems with your idea here.

1.) People want instant gratification these days. You will be hard pressed to get enough people to agree to WAIT until there are enough people to place a large enough order with a manufacturer to get any real savings to justify the wait.

2.) Most manufactures deal in such large quantities that you will be hard pressed here to get any Top Quailty products to your prospect customers.

3.) Aution houses and places like HSN (Home Shopping Network) already pretty much offer this service by being the middle man who buys in bulk so they can offer the products a largely reduced price.Then they handle the shipping once they get enough buyers on an item. They either have drop ship arrangements with the companies or they ship them out from their own warehouse.

Not trying to stop anyone from running with this, just letting you know the few hurdles that I see off the top of my head that you will need to negotiate to make this viable business plan.
Interesting. It doesn't look like it's in the American market too much. Those sites look crummy. It's pretty much the same concept accept you would broker the deal. It looks like the other site lets a seller come in to organize something.
There are several inherent problems with your idea here.

1.) People want instant gratification these days. You will be hard pressed to get enough people to agree to WAIT until there are enough people to place a large enough order with a manufacturer to get any real savings to justify the wait.

2.) Most manufactures deal in such large quantities that you will be hard pressed here to get any Top Quailty products to your prospect customers.

3.) Aution houses and places like HSN (Home Shopping Network) already pretty much offer this service by being the middle man who buys in bulk so they can offer the products a largely reduced price.Then they handle the shipping once they get enough buyers on an item. They either have drop ship arrangements with the companies or they ship them out from their own warehouse.

Not trying to stop anyone from running with this, just letting you know the few hurdles that I see off the top of my head that you will need to negotiate to make this viable business plan.

Good points. There would definitely have to be some resources dumped into this idea to work. You would also have to have a shit load of traffic at the start of it.
There's a site called Groupon that works coupons and daily specials locally with a collective buying concept. May fuel some thought.