My buddy is releasing his self-hosted FB cloaking script.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
yeah, blatant advertising. but thought it'd be worth mentioning.

self-hosted, but ioncube encoded and licensed more than likely. Either way, it'll surely be bulletproof.
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Hey everyone, if you've got any questions you can direct them my way.

People probably aren't going to like that part

If it's not encoded, people will be able to figure out what I'm using to cloak and make changes so it's no longer possible to cloak.

This is also why I won't be able to reveal how it works, but I know from my own personal experience that it works quite well and after it's officially released others will be able to share their experience with it as well.
If it's not encoded, people will be able to figure out what I'm using to cloak and make changes so it's no longer possible to cloak.

This is also why I won't be able to reveal how it works, but I know from my own personal experience that it works quite well and after it's officially released others will be able to share their experience with it as well.

Fair enough, just be prepared for a lot of people asking you how you can guarantee things are actually cloaked. Maybe letting a few Vets in behind the scenes to confirm you're legit so that others here will be comfortable with moving forward with your product.
in a short...will you cheat us ?
I know the OP well, and I can vouch for him - as for his friend I don't know him.

It's a free service at the end of the day, so you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Being free, you could install it and just try and figure it out yourself or whatever.
sound interesting yet I doubt it's anything we haven't seen before

it needs to be un-encoded... if it is encoded I would recommend people stay away
in a short...will you cheat us ?

No, you could easily monitor the script to verify it's not communicating with anything it's not supposed to be. All campaign data is stored on your servers.

Fair enough, just be prepared for a lot of people asking you how you can guarantee things are actually cloaked. Maybe letting a few Vets in behind the scenes to confirm you're legit so that others here will be comfortable with moving forward with your product.

Sorry, no guarantees in life. This isn't a WSO. This is the script I use. It works. End of story.

I can name 3 services off the top of my head to crack ioncube and zend...

Ok so buy it with your own money, pay to crack it, then give it away to your competition. Great plan.
This is the script I use. It works. End of story.
uhh no.. try again. there are no Facebook/Google/etc cloaking methods that can cloak with 100% success rate bottom-line and even IF there were (which there isn't, again) you would not be releasing it free
sound interesting yet I doubt it's anything we haven't seen before

it needs to be un-encoded... if it is encoded I would recommend people stay away

Ok, maybe not something you've never seen before but no reason to speak for everyone. Feel free to link to anything similar.

Also, I use techniques that I know aren't public knowledge, so why would I ruin that by making it available to everyone with unencoded source? Doesn't make any sense. I guess you probably didn't run prosper until it was unencoded either.
uhh no.. try again. there are no Facebook/Google/etc cloaking methods that can cloak with 100% success rate bottom-line and even IF there were (which there isn't, again) you would not be releasing it free

Did anyone say it was free?
I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you have to do something illegal to get a C&D..