my 200th post


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Just want to thank everyone on wickedfire for helping to make this a place where people can come and learn about the business. I found about wickedfire a little over 2 years ago after being released from a 6 year prison sentence. I had no idea what I was gonna do, or how I was gonna survive. I started working at the temp agency and doing odd jobs until I could buy a laptop. Learned wordpress after finding out about it here. Started doing ok for myself building small businesses websites. In the meantime I started learning seo, and while I've still got a lot to learn, I have managed to do some really awesome things in that time. I now rent out an office and bring in at least 7,000 a month gross. That's chump change to a lot of people but but it is a lot better than the 36¢ an hour I used to make.

Thanks to all of you who have helped lend a hand along the way. I wouldn't be here without some of the more basic threads like beginners guide to seo, seo nuggets, and the complete guide to wordpress.

To all the people struggling to get by, keep struggling. Its worth it, it will work if you make it work.

And lastly a quote I stole from one of you guys a while back which has helped me many a long night:

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't".

Thanks wickedfire bros

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Whoa, this must be one of the most super cool stories bro, seriously! Keep it up! :)
I was going to come in and troll hard when I saw the title, and very little content... But then I read it. Good job bro. If you can go from $0.36/hour to $7,000 a month, That more than triple the $26,364 which is the median for most USA households. (U.S. Median Annual Wage Falls To $26,364 As Pessimism Reaches 10-Year High [CORRECTION]) - Some have it at 27K and some change. (US Census - 2010 I believe, I'm a bit shocked, I though it would be around 50K, or something... fuck these peasants are broke...)

If this isn't motivation for the rest of you lazy bums, nothing is. This guy went from nothing to making triple the average household income off of Wickedfire.
Lots of ex-cons and soon to be cons here, you're in good company. Keep hustling and that $7k/mo will be what you spend on your mortgage every month.
Congratulations, bro! Little tear in the corner of my eye.

If you like quotes, here's one of my favorites:

"Whence come the highest mountains? I once asked. Then I learned that they came out of the sea. The evidence is written in their rocks and in the walls of their peaks. It is out of the deepest depth that the highest must come to its height."
I was going to come in and troll hard when I saw the title, and very little content... But then I read it. Good job bro. If you can go from $0.36/hour to $7,000 a month, That more than triple the $26,364 which is the median for most USA households. (U.S. Median Annual Wage Falls To $26,364 As Pessimism Reaches 10-Year High [CORRECTION]) - Some have it at 27K and some change. (US Census - 2010 I believe, I'm a bit shocked, I though it would be around 50K, or something... fuck these peasants are broke...)

If this isn't motivation for the rest of you lazy bums, nothing is. This guy went from nothing to making triple the average household income off of Wickedfire.

Thanks man, I expected some trolling, honestly a little disappointing haha
OP you were in prison for what?

Long story, and Id rather not get into it here but basically I got caught up in a lifestyle of drugs and violence from a very young age. At the end I was actually going around with a partner of mine and robbing drug dealers and connections. Not a business with longevity. I was honestly glad to be in Prison, safer than my life out there. Anyways I got sober, got a two year degree in bus management, but most importantly I learned how to live life sober. I gained confidence in myself and the realization of the fact that human beings are conditioned to believe we need so much shit to live. I learned how to find contentment in the darkest of places and that has allowed me to live a life of peace and happiness. PM me if you would like to know any more, I enjoy discussing my past and find it very therapeutic to share what my experiences have taught me.
Lots of ex-cons and soon to be cons here, you're in good company. Keep hustling and that $7k/mo will be what you spend on your mortgage every month.

Thanks man, yeah im sure there are a few others here, and probably a few on their way judging by some of the things ive read haha.
Congratulations, bro! Little tear in the corner of my eye.

If you like quotes, here's one of my favorites:

"Whence come the highest mountains? I once asked. Then I learned that they came out of the sea. The evidence is written in their rocks and in the walls of their peaks. It is out of the deepest depth that the highest must come to its height."

I love this quote, Nietzsche, right?
At the end I was actually going around with a partner of mine and robbing drug dealers and connections.

There are people who would consider you a hero for doing this sort of thing, just sayin...

Good luck from here on out.
That's really really good to hear my friend. It's finally good to hear from people so new to the boards actually absorbing the essence of the forums and utilizing them in their path.

Reminds me of my 100th post - a few weeks ago.

Do give it a read, if you ever consider expanding/outsourcing.


Keep hustlin'.

Read this back in May I think it was, great post and some awesome advice.
There are people who would consider you a hero for doing this sort of thing, just sayin...

Good luck from here on out.

Well that was actually part of the complex I had going at the time. I looked at us as Robin Hood-esque type characters, and I can say I was not your typical dirtbag tweeker that robbed old ladies and all that. But I hurt people and ruined peoples lives and was def not a hero.

Ironically I went to prison for the one crime I didnt commit. A friend of mine went out and stole a ladies purse on the side of the road, while driving my car. The woman gave his description to the police, a five foot 4 mexican about 150 pounds. Then when the cops recovered my vehicle two weeks later all of a sudden she "remebered" seeing a 250 pound white male 6 feet tall with a bald head. Which is my exact description on my drivers license ironically.

The local sheriffs had been after me since I was 16 and they saw there shot and took it. Def not a coincidence.

Anyways, I look at it like God knows I got a way with a lot so it is what it is. I had a bunch of other warrants and such so by the time they found me I had 3 stikable offences (Im from California) and they wouldn't even plea with me. Took 2 years of fighting in county jail and a very high priced lawyer to get down to a deal of six years and essentiall save my life.

They good part was that looking at a life sentence really gives you some prespective, more than anything I can say that event has changed my life.