Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to death after taking part in beauty contest'


Wickedfire Pro Member
Sep 15, 2009
WTF! :angryfire:

A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under 'Sharia law' after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.
Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.

Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest.


Read more: Muslim girl Katya Koren, 19, 'stoned to death over beauty contest in Ukraine' | Mail Online

What's there to discuss with this?

This was a brutal act and will be condemned by any rational person.
What's there to discuss with this?

This was a brutal act and will be condemned by any rational person.

I think the point is to bring it to people's attention, and perhaps to imply that 7th century desert goat herder texts may be a bit outdated.

-"This is proof that sharia law is spreading. Look, it's in the ukraine now. I've never heard of the ukraine before so that proves it."
-"They'll have us all in burkhas before we know it."
-"Do they have oil? Maybe we should invade them, and show them what we mean by democracy!"
-"All muslims are secretly like this and we should make them wear yellow crescent moons at all times in public"

@OP it would be sensible to check facts from a real newspaper that employs serious journalists in future. The Daily Heil is a just a lifestyle magazine for middle-aged fascists.

She was killed by a mentally ill classmate who thought he was acting on God's orders.

Muslim teenage beauty queen 'stoned to death' - Telegraph
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This is proof that sharia law is spreading. Look, it's in the ukraine now. I've never heard of the ukraine before so that proves it. They'll have us all in burkhas before we know it. All muslims are secretly like this and we should make them wear yellow crescent moons at all times in public.
Things like this makes me really :(

Some people really do worship a monster.
At least 10 women and four men remained under sentence of death by stoning at the end of the year in Iran, where adultery is the only crime which carries that penalty under Sharia law.
Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran.
This is some shit that sounds alright on paper, but seems to suck when they put it into action. Like hey, let's use this law as an excuse to do really retarded shit.
This is proof that sharia law is spreading. Look, it's in the ukraine now. I've never heard of the ukraine before so that proves it. They'll have us all in burkhas before we know it. All muslims are secretly like this and we should make them wear yellow crescent moons at all times in public.

Oh, and I forgot to add - "Ukraine, that's in Iran, right? I told you we should bomb Iran!"
What's there to discuss with this?

This was a brutal act and will be condemned by any rational person.

Going to rock the boat with this one, but I get where he is coming from.

On average around 155,000 people die each day worldwide. Not all of them die of natural causes and some die downright violent deaths that are not related to religion, or more specifically, a particular religion.

People get killed violently for all sorts of reasons and motivations; greed, simple hate; religion is just one of the many reasons violent murder happens.

Being shot multiple times, being burned alive, being drowned, being stabbed, slashed and raped all occur along with others. Yet no-one seems to want to post about them unless it ties in with a particular religion.

You want ultra violent and barbaric, start with South Africa, Central America, and South America, with homicide rates of 37.3% 29.3% and 25.9% per 100,000 inhabitants. Still I don't see anyone posting here about some of the horrific natures of these particular murders. Main stream media also avoids it as well. Why...because they have their favorite punching bag and it comes in the form of a religion.

I'm not a Muslim; I was born into the your typical Anglo religion and made my own mind up about it all. I would describe myself as an agnostic atheist. To sensationalize a horrific murder because of religion makes no sense to me, not unless you give fair coverage to all the other horrible things that go on.

Murder is ugly enough, especially violent, barbaric murder. She was doesn't matter what religion the person or persons that perpetrated this were in the grand scheme of things, because on that day more people died just as violently, if not more so, for completely retarded reasons. I feel sorry for her and anyone else who dies in such a horrific fashion.

Flame away. :D
Would also make clear that I have no preference for any religion and that the world would be a better place without any of them. :D
I have to wonder about this one from time to time myself. If people will use something as dumb and thin as religion as reasoning to do terrible shit to people, I'm sure they would find some other weak-ass reason if religion was out of the picture.
What makes these kinds of incidents different from your general whacked out killing is you have a large group of people saying it was the right thing to do. It is not the killing itself that is different it is the support that you find behind the killing.

The problem the Muslims have is they have let their religion be taken over and be represented by a bunch of wack jobs. Are most Muslims fundamentalist crazies? Probably not, but you see very few "moderate Muslims" taking a loud and public stand against the crazies and the violence.

There are a lot of crazy Christians as well but when you get a small group "those nuts in Kansas' or an individual that goes off the reservation the mainstream Christians come out against whatever crazy crap they are doing.

You do not see that with the Muslims so the crazies are the ones that take center stage and end up representing Islam to the rest of the world.

Going to rock the boat with this one, but I get where he is coming from.

On average around 155,000 people die each day worldwide. Not all of them die of natural causes and some die downright violent deaths that are not related to religion, or more specifically, a particular religion.

People get killed violently for all sorts of reasons and motivations; greed, simple hate; religion is just one of the many reasons violent murder happens.

Being shot multiple times, being burned alive, being drowned, being stabbed, slashed and raped all occur along with others. Yet no-one seems to want to post about them unless it ties in with a particular religion.

You want ultra violent and barbaric, start with South Africa, Central America, and South America, with homicide rates of 37.3% 29.3% and 25.9% per 100,000 inhabitants. Still I don't see anyone posting here about some of the horrific natures of these particular murders. Main stream media also avoids it as well. Why...because they have their favorite punching bag and it comes in the form of a religion.

I'm not a Muslim; I was born into the your typical Anglo religion and made my own mind up about it all. I would describe myself as an agnostic atheist. To sensationalize a horrific murder because of religion makes no sense to me, not unless you give fair coverage to all the other horrible things that go on.

Murder is ugly enough, especially violent, barbaric murder. She was doesn't matter what religion the person or persons that perpetrated this were in the grand scheme of things, because on that day more people died just as violently, if not more so, for completely retarded reasons. I feel sorry for her and anyone else who dies in such a horrific fashion.

Flame away. :D
There are a lot of crazy Christians as well but when you get a small group "those nuts in Kansas' or an individual that goes off the reservation the mainstream Christians come out against whatever crazy crap they are doing.

Had to go and mention Kansas huh! We only have cow tippers here (okay and a few fat cowboys but still only semi insane) : )