Multiple monitors and remote desktop connection?


New member
Apr 23, 2007
I know a lot of people here use multiple monitor setups so this is a question for you guys.

Do any of you know of a free program that allows you to use multiple monitors when connected to a terminal server so that it actually acts like dual monitors instead of one large stretched monitor? eg. At the moment if you maximize a program in terminal services /span mode it will maximize across both screens instead of inside the current screen.

The only program i have found is Splitview but the price is $729. Is there anything free that does the same thing?

Another one to look into is Synergy if ID won't do you (ID only does Windows.)

I think both of them only allow one user at a time, but I'm not sure.
LogmeIn is good for remote systems. It's web-based and a full-screen will only occupy one of your monitors. You probably will get some lag, though.
Multiplicity works great some features are free I thinks $79 is the pro version

Used it, very hard to configure for me anyway. Was a nightmare.. found ID to me much easier, but both are solid once configured.

Actually, retraction. For me anyway, Multiplicity often would screw up the cursor when moving from one screen to another. The mouse elastic band would get "stuck" and I'd wind up highlighting all my icons for some odd reason, and having to unstick the mouse/click off. Was a real pain the ass.
I haven't had any cursor or screen problems with Multiplicity; used it on my XP boxes and Vista.

Owell :(
anyone else ever have problems with synergy just disconnecting for no apparent reason? happens every once in awhile and annoying as shit when you're trying to get work done.
yeah it happens to me alot and its usually me computer disconnecting or it won't cut and paste