MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK

[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News![/ame]

Everybody has an agenda. Why is MSNBC running this piece? Surely you consider mainstream news part of "the system" to cover up corruption etc, so why choose to put out this kind of information now?
Ratigan has been pretty good on corruption. He doesn't protect the government or hold them blameless. I am surprised he is still on the air.
Interesting article, it's amazing how soon people forget what happened and how it happened. The media and propaganda peddlers(politicians of all parties) are far too powerful. They control minds and hearts and even memories.

People can literally feel the devastating effects of how much the banks have bent the everyday folks of the U.S. over and still be persuaded to find another culprit if they watch enough TV. The banks are insanely criminal in their actions, but because they don't point a gun in faces people give them a pass. But in reality, they are the most devastating type of criminals, they victimize IN MASS, Capone has nothin on Capitol One.
That was a great summary, I like how Ratigan dumbed it down so 80% of the population could understand it.

Washington has always been run by Wall Street, until more regulations come into place to control lobbyists from buying gov'ts this kind of BS will continue happen. If you take a look at Bush's cabinet and Obama's cabinet, you'll see some familiar faces, the same asshats that fucked Americans over in 2007 are back to fleece you all again. Change has come indeed... Fuck Greenspan, Fuck Bush, and Fuck Obama.

If Americans want any real chance of economic recovery and reform they would vote in Ron Paul for president in the next election but highly doubtful that will happen.
Interesting article, it's amazing how soon people forget what happened and how it happened. The media and propaganda peddlers(politicians of all parties) are far too powerful. They control minds and hearts and even memories.

People can literally feel the devastating effects of how much the banks have bent the everyday folks of the U.S. over and still be persuaded to find another culprit if they watch enough TV. The banks are insanely criminal in their actions, but because they don't point a gun in faces people give them a pass. But in reality, they are the most devastating type of criminals, they victimize IN MASS, Capone has nothin on Capitol One.

while one a much much smaller scale isn't all this kind of parallel to the whole rebill berries/workathome etc. crap?

people found a way to pull in a (relatively) tonne of cash and by the time AGs and advertising guidelines were setup for landing pages etc. everyone slinging berries were bitching about the new rules, and how it was the fault of the "morons/sheep" for even falling for it...

it's just this time the numbers are (MUCH) larger, and the players are far fewer and in a more influential spot, while the "moron/sheep" are much more vast in this playing field than it was for the rebill crew...

I dont think I'm really posting with a point, just something that was kind of humorous and ironic while reading about consumer protectionism vs the bankers etc. on WF where this case many are on the "bad" side of the fence, so views are a lil diff.

I guess the main difference in the 2 cases of course is the scale of the "scam", and how far the ripples of the outcome flow, ie. affecting single families, vs crippling the economy.