MSN AdCenter WTF


Dec 12, 2007
Tried clicking on a couple ads and the links are broken. Also noticed less conversions today, I think their system is really struggling, they need to re-think this quick transition plan they have.

Also, wonder if we are being charged for these broken clicks to our ads? BAHHHHHH

i dont know about you guys, but I loathe the idea my wonderful YSM is going to be shitty adcenter soon. I fucking hate Adcenter and its interface, and I have to lose my YSM account for the privilege, ugh! fuck!
i dont know about you guys, but I loathe the idea my wonderful YSM is going to be shitty adcenter soon. I fucking hate Adcenter and its interface, and I have to lose my YSM account for the privilege, ugh! fuck!

saying YSM has a good interface is like saying OS2Warp was the best operating system ever created.