MSN adcenter beta for everyone

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Danny Trejo Power!
Nov 7, 2006
Seems like lots of people don't know about this, I only found out like two days ago. MSN adcenter beta is open for everyone and you can log in at with your normal adcenter account. It loads a lot faster and you can upload whole campaigns with excel instead of just keywords. There are some other features too, like better keyword deletion.
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very nice find.

You can delete directly from the status page, which is excellent. It was a pain removing rejected words in the past.

Also notice they have content bidding in there as well.
Just note that content bidding isn't currently active (a rep told me last week) but will be soon(ish).
Thanks for the heads up, it does load a lot quicker. I recently opened an adcenter account and haven't really been impressed with them. It has been 5 days since my campaign is in "submitted" status...but yet all my keywords are approved. :question4:
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