MS AdCenter Ad Preview Tool


New member
Jun 26, 2009
As the title says, the microsoft adcenter was 'upgraded' today with an ad preview tool..

input a keyword and you get an unclickable iframe with the bing search results for that keyword...
not a really big deal, but a nice little touch added towards user experience improvement, methinks.

Other opinions?

Other opinions?
It was created to allow advertisers who had been effectively banned from seeing ads on Bing itself, to see the ads. Their system seems to not show ads to users who search often and never click ads (to help get a better idea of CTR, I guess), so some large advertisers/agencies were effectively unable to see any ads.

It actually launched on Tuesday-ish of last week, though no announcement was made. I'm part of the company that got MSN to finally create this, since our reps were getting tired of sending tons of screenshots to us every day...
Good for you
It was created to allow advertisers who had been effectively banned from seeing ads on Bing itself, to see the ads. Their system seems to not show ads to users who search often and never click ads (to help get a better idea of CTR, I guess), so some large advertisers/agencies were effectively unable to see any ads.

It actually launched on Tuesday-ish of last week, though no announcement was made. I'm part of the company that got MSN to finally create this, since our reps were getting tired of sending tons of screenshots to us every day...
Yeah it'd be awesome to use if my FUCKIN CAMPAIGN WOULD GET APPROVED.

Today is Day 6 that my acai berry campaign is still "pending review" ... MSN is so fuckin bush league.
Yeah it'd be awesome to use if my FUCKIN CAMPAIGN WOULD GET APPROVED.

Today is Day 6 that my acai berry campaign is still "pending review" ... MSN is so fuckin bush league.
Hmm... I think you solved your problem, right there...