Moving to Windows 8


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Well, fuck me.

I'm making the move to Windows 8. I'm not happy about it, but my Windows 7 install is almost 18 months old, and it's starting to show. I have to be on Windows 8 to publish for Windows 8 / Phone 8 (well, sure, I could VM it, but what's the point?).

I'm a linux guy, and don't much care for being on Windows, but switching back and forth between linux and Windows repeatedly every day is such a pain. I have a linux server too, so at least my local web stack is LLMP.

I shall report on how it goes - I've had 8 on my notebook for a while, so I'm familiar, but I am interested to see how multiple monitors plays out on 8.

I have it on the laptop and it's... well...

It crashes every now and then when I open up VLC player. It also has a blue screen of death once every few days.

The Xbox Music app crashes like a motherfucker and having to put my mouse in the bottom right corner, then hit search, just to get to what should be a start menu is a bit of a waste of time.

I also happen to hate Seattle and I have to see that shit every time I log out.

At least my Start Menu looks cool right?

Would I do it again?

Oh yeah and that shit automatically restarted my computer to install windows updates and didn't give me a chance to say no. It just said "you have 15 minutes", then I had five and then it just went. Did I have a chance to save my programs? Fuck no.

It also didn't install the updates correctly so I just lost my place on all of my programs at that moment and prematurely ended two chats.

IMO M$ is focusing too much on trying to out Apple Apple. I just want my shit to work.

P.S. You would think dual monitors would finally allow you to snap windows on both monitors, or just leave the start menu open on one... but nope! This shit is just for tablets it seems.

P.P.S. The only feature I really like that Win 8 has is that you can leave Win media player on top like you can with gnome... They should of done that with every program, but no... that would make sense.
BTW, I also had someone who casually uses a computer try and turn it off...

She quit after about two minutes...

I guess that says something about how user friendly it is.
Oh man, this isn't good news :(. I bought the full version too haha... Currently running safely on Win 7. I'll have to try sooner or later.
Don't think I'll ever go back to windows after using a good linux distro. Learning coding and multi-tasking is much easier and funner with linux tooks and a tiling windows manager. Don't have to worry about stupid Windows updates and honestly Programs hardly ever crash or freseze and the only one that does it sometimes is Chromium when I have too many windows open with 20 or so Youtube videos just paused it starts to act weird. No $ licenses, and no random crashes / windows restarts.

Renewed my love for computers. Plan on building a few boxes soon; one as a router/firewall running pfSense throw several NICs in it so I can broadcast offensive SSID names, one file server, and then a workstation.
I switched on day one and have been using whatever Office preview they have out now instead of 2010. Win8 is not much different. Closing Metro apps blows though, and the store is still a little sparse. I was hoping to find a WriteMonkey clone but it's not quite there yet.

The only thing that I really enjoy other than the lockscreen is the accounts integration. My gCal is synced automatically and I get notifications on the lockscreen and 20-30 minutes before they start.

I haven't run into any issues at all honestly. I even upgraded instead of doing a clean install like you should. The only app I can't use is Supermemo because of IE. My workflow hasn't really changed at all other than instead of using win+z to launch Launchy, I just press win. I can understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch, but for me it hasn't been a very dramatic experience.

EDIT: I also forgot that I upgraded from the RP version for $15. The cheapest version of Windows I ever bought. I can't complain too much.
So far my Windows 8 experience has been fine. I haven't had any problems. Performance seems a bit faster. Games are super smooth. I installed the Stardock Start8 app, so I have a start menu just like Win7's. It's $4.99. I don't really even look at the new start menu or the apps.
Don't think I'll ever go back to windows after using a good linux distro. Learning coding and multi-tasking is much easier and funner with linux tooks and a tiling windows manager. Don't have to worry about stupid Windows updates and honestly Programs hardly ever crash or freseze and the only one that does it sometimes is Chromium when I have too many windows open with 20 or so Youtube videos just paused it starts to act weird. No $ licenses, and no random crashes / windows restarts.

Renewed my love for computers. Plan on building a few boxes soon; one as a router/firewall running pfSense throw several NICs in it so I can broadcast offensive SSID names, one file server, and then a workstation.

I just can't agree and I'm a big Linux fan.

A bit of a backstory, I started running Ubuntu when Vista was out because I hated Vista it just so fucking much. I ended up running Ubuntu for around a year or so until 7 came out, and had favorable reviews.

You say you don't have to worry about Windows updates under Linux, but in my experience you get updates just as much or more frequently than Windows will force them down your throat. Yes, sometimes you have to reboot as well.

As much as I loved Ubuntu, they totally fucked it up with Unity. There are many other distros but I've seriously never ran Linux without issues. It might be display driver issues for my video card, or it might be backlighting on my ASUS lappy keyboard. The older your system is the better it will run out of the box on Linux (unless it's probably more than 10 years old then good luck.)

At the end of the day I kept having to keep a dual boot so that I could fire up Photoshop or play games or whatever. The last time I tried to go to Linux I fired up Mint and had hella display issues because of drivers due to a newish video card.

So I wouldn't totally give it a ringing endorsement unless you want to put the time in because it's going to take quite a bit more time to figure shit out than it does Windows.

I keep thinking though, that hell, it has to be within 5 years of being really main stream but they do need to step their hardware game up a bit.

There seems to be a Windows port for pretty much anything Linux related so I wouldn't sweat it too much.
It crashes every now and then when I open up VLC player. It also has a blue screen of death once every few days.

I've never had Windows 8 crash or freeze up. Never had VLC crash either. Are you sure you didn't download a pre-release version? My legit version has been rock solid, I'm loving it.

The Xbox Music app crashes like a motherfucker and having to put my mouse in the bottom right corner, then hit search, just to get to what should be a start menu is a bit of a waste of time.

Never had Xbox Music crash on me either, streaming music for free right now, it's great. Make sure you update your apps (this is different from windows update)! There seems to be updates nearly every week.

Oh yeah and that shit automatically restarted my computer to install windows updates and didn't give me a chance to say no. It just said "you have 15 minutes", then I had five and then it just went. Did I have a chance to save my programs? Fuck no.

It gave you 15 minutes to save your programs, then warned you 5 minutes before too. Naturally you can set it to not automatically install if you like.

P.S. You would think dual monitors would finally allow you to snap windows on both monitors, or just leave the start menu open on one... but nope! This shit is just for tablets it seems.

Yeah it seems you can't have 2 metro apps running on different monitors. You can't keep the start screen always open on one, but you can keep actual apps open on one screen.

P.P.S. The only feature I really like that Win 8 has is that you can leave Win media player on top like you can with gnome... They should of done that with every program, but no... that would make sense.

Not sure what you mean with this one! All metro apps are "snap-able" to the sides.

I have it on the laptop and it's... well...

How big is your laptop screen? if your resolution isn't high enough it won't allow you to run apps side-by-side.
I just can't agree and I'm a big Linux fan.

A bit of a backstory, I started running Ubuntu when Vista was out because I hated Vista it just so fucking much. I ended up running Ubuntu for around a year or so until 7 came out, and had favorable reviews.

You say you don't have to worry about Windows updates under Linux, but in my experience you get updates just as much or more frequently than Windows will force them down your throat. Yes, sometimes you have to reboot as well.

As much as I loved Ubuntu, they totally fucked it up with Unity. There are many other distros but I've seriously never ran Linux without issues. It might be display driver issues for my video card, or it might be backlighting on my ASUS lappy keyboard. The older your system is the better it will run out of the box on Linux (unless it's probably more than 10 years old then good luck.)

At the end of the day I kept having to keep a dual boot so that I could fire up Photoshop or play games or whatever. The last time I tried to go to Linux I fired up Mint and had hella display issues because of drivers due to a newish video card.

So I wouldn't totally give it a ringing endorsement unless you want to put the time in because it's going to take quite a bit more time to figure shit out than it does Windows.

I keep thinking though, that hell, it has to be within 5 years of being really main stream but they do need to step their hardware game up a bit.

There seems to be a Windows port for pretty much anything Linux related so I wouldn't sweat it too much.

My laptop is a 2012 model and I have no hardware issues whatsoever. I have put in the considerable time it takes to really understand linux at it's core. I run FreeBSD, Gentoo, Slackware, and working on Linux From Scratch all in virtual box. Anytime I have a problem that I can't fix, which is rare because I rarely have problems... I can always go to IRC and get the answer in 10 seconds.

Although I think Gentoo is a bit pointless with all the compiling, and Slackware is really gay with the lack of real package/dependency management.

As far as playing games, I have had a video game addiction and one of the main reasons I switched to Linux was an experiment to test my theory of "quitting a habit by making it hard to do" and yep I haven't played a single video game since. The only 'game' I play now is Chess really, but I'm terrible.

I agree though, without a little Linux savvy it can be frustrating as hell. A friend of mine saw me using Linux and wanted to try it on his laptop. We tried 4 different distros and on every single one, one of his main hardware pieces either wasn't detected or didn't have the right module, 3/4 times it was the wireless card which was lulzy. It was actually a 'simple fix' of blacklisting all 5/6 of the modules it was trying to load so only the right one loaded but if you don't know how to do that it is a nightmare.

I'm overall very very very pleased with my system, and in Arch Linux there are not updates being thrown down your throat which is pretty nice. I think having a package manager alone is enough to compel most people to not go back to Windows.

Computing is a blast again and no longer just drudgery of surfing Youtube and GayWebmasterPorn. Using Linux goes hand in hand with the server stuff that I have to do and it helped immensely. I would recommend Linux to someone looking to make computing / learning fun again. Gives you a lot of new things to learn and tinker with.

I'm by no means a guru though, hell, I spent a freaking hour staring at this simple css thing trying to learn css/html lol.
All installed, most of my apps are installed.
Tossed in Stardock Start8, which is great. I only have one complaint, and I've noticed it across both my notebook and desktop, and that's the dragging on mouse press. Doesn't always release on MouseUp. Fucking obnoxious.

Other than this I don't have any complaints, other than it's not linux and I miss posix.

All the linux love is great, but misplaced as I'm on Windows most of the time specifically to use Unity - if I didn't use unity I'd have no reason to use Windows.
Personally, I like Windows 8. Its pretty fast and it boots up supaquik.

You will definately need stardock to get back the start but if you want to eliminate that learning curve. I advise getting a multimedia keyboard and assign shortcut buts to the apps that you use the most.