Moving site from Joomla (PHP) to Umbraco (.NET) - changing server = affect Rankings?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Hi all,

I am considering redesigning my website - which has a lot of authority and very strong rankings - and moving it from Joomla/MySQL to Umbraco/SQL.

This would mean I'd have to change my hosting package with my provider to a miscrosoft server.

Obviously, I would keep the URL structures in tact and slowly transition content changes but does anyone know of any useful resources/guides for doing this from an seo perspective?

Also, has anyone done similar or know if there is a risk of losing rankings substantially?


This is much more complicated than I am trying to explain, but you can learn some things. First of all, when changing the host too, make sure that in your domain panel, to write and old and the new nameservers. Also, don't touch the existing Joomla installation, also do a backup, and try to do it manually. Don't run any script to make the transition, it will affect your structure.

For further information or help, you can PM me. I will gladly help you.
Umbraco is a pretty stable, flexible, and powerful platform. If he's got a heavy load site he's probably having issues with Joomla.

That would be my guess :)
pay for a decent hosting service, optimize your tables and enable gzip on your server, disable xmlrpc and joomla will be as sweet as a nut. umbroco is going to fail you bigtime... been there got the shirt....
pay for a decent hosting service, optimize your tables and enable gzip on your server, disable xmlrpc and joomla will be as sweet as a nut. umbroco is going to fail you bigtime... been there got the shirt....

optimize your tables and enable gzip on your server, disable xmlrpc

Thanks for the reply. What does this mean?

few tips on optimization:
Global configuration->Server tab->Set GZIP Page Compression to Yes
You may also turn on Cache there or by enabling System Cache Plugin