Moving data from 1 db to another.


New member
Aug 30, 2007
O.K. so I'm stuck. I've got users filling in data in website 1 (on server 1). I need to push that data to other sites on different servers. Looking for the best/easiest way.

Got the following ideas:

1.) I'm going to write a script on those external sites where I just call the url from website 1. It then populates the database, does the action, whatever. I'll use secret keys or something to secure it.

2.) Soap.

3.) Create xml documents for the other servers to fetch.

4.) FTP those xml documents to the other servers.

I've actually written the code out to do number 1 there while I was testing things out. I'm a little concerned about security.... ideas?

Does mysql have any built-in mirroring functions? Or is that just with a paid license?