Moving and redoing a WordPress website?

Jana G

New member
Sep 16, 2014
I have a WordPress website on "Host A". I want to take the same domain and move it to "Host B".

BUT, it has a bunch of pages and I want to use a different theme. So if I just migrate it to "Host B" it will be down for a week or so while I update it.

How is this best accomplished?

Why would it be down for a week if you migrate it to host B?
I've not been in the game anywhere near as long as most of the guys here, but I'm considerably more intelligent than they are, so here's how I'd do it:

  1. Leave the domain pointed at Host A while you transfer everything to Host B. Simple enough.
  2. Make sure the WordPress install on Host B has "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" checked (it's under Settings => Reading).
  3. Once you have everything setup how you like it on Host B, point the domain to it, uncheck the above "Discourage" setting, and you should be good to go.

It will take a bit of time for the DNS to propagate, so your site may be down for some people for a few to several hours.

Whenever I need to transfer a site, I use WPTwin. It can transfer a WordPress site in minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the site. Most of that time will be spent waiting on the creation of the backup file, uploading, and downloading.

You simply upload the WPTwin file to Host A, point your browser to said file, and create a full backup. Then, download the backup file, upload it to Host B, and deploy it with the WPTwin deploy file.
If your current host has cpanel and your new host does to, you can migrate everything just exactly as it is. Then the only modification would be changing the nameservers for the domain.
Sorry all, I am not being clear.

I want the new site to be different. Maybe 50% of the old posts and many new ones over time.

But if I set up WP on "Host B", (before changing DNS) all the images and links would be pointing to the temporary site and not the proper domain (once it was propagated).