Moving a Wordpress site to a new Domain

Eddie Grant

New member
Apr 18, 2011
My boss has asked me to change our current company website from an HTML site to a wordpress site so that he can play around and make changes on it when he wants to. But he wants minimum down time for the current site. So my question is what method of transfer to use?

I'm trying to plan it in my head and I thought the best way would be to create the wordpress site on one of my spare domains using my hosting/cpanel and get it all finished to his specs. This could take a week or so until he's happy.

Then when it's finished, remove the old HTML site from his domain and install the wordpress data base onto his control panel, then just transfer the files of the new site using ftp transfer.

I've never done this before and I'm wondering if all the pluggins and settings will transfer across smoothly or will everything need to be set up again once its on his server?

I've only recently started using Wordpress sites.

Or am I looking at this completely wrong and there's a much better way to do it?

Any advise would be much appreciated.


You can build the site on a test domain or a test folder on the main site. If you are going to populate the test site with data, you can log in to your cPanel and "dump" the database into a file. After you install WP on the main domain, you can import the dump file. Also, depending on how much customization you are doing, you could also just copy the code from the WP control panel piece by piece from the test site and just manually overwrite the new installation.
My boss has asked me to change our current company website from an HTML site to a wordpress site so that he can play around and make changes on it when he wants to. But he wants minimum down time for the current site. So my question is what method of transfer to use?

I'm trying to plan it in my head and I thought the best way would be to create the wordpress site on one of my spare domains using my hosting/cpanel and get it all finished to his specs. This could take a week or so until he's happy.

Then when it's finished, remove the old HTML site from his domain and install the wordpress data base onto his control panel, then just transfer the files of the new site using ftp transfer.

I've never done this before and I'm wondering if all the pluggins and settings will transfer across smoothly or will everything need to be set up again once its on his server?

I've only recently started using Wordpress sites.

Or am I looking at this completely wrong and there's a much better way to do it?

Any advise would be much appreciated.


Tell your boss to fuck off and do it himself. Oh and I loved your hit "Electric Avenue" back in the 80's .
You can build the site on a test domain or a test folder on the main site. If you are going to populate the test site with data, you can log in to your cPanel and "dump" the database into a file.

Cheers, this was the other way I thinking but was worried that that the wordpress installation would automatically take over the main folder.

Tell your boss to fuck off and do it himself. Oh and I loved your hit "Electric Avenue" back in the 80's .

Once the wordpress is installed any future requests from him will get this response minus the lame joke obviously.:)

If you want to hire me to do this stuff for you I can. If not check out the WP tutorials here on how to move it over. CONVERT WORDPRESS TO HTML

Gotta say this one shocked me. I've never had someone offer job services and then follow it up with a gayporn website link. Or was it a mistake and you accidentally linked me to your browsers home page? If it was then no problem. I don't discriminate against who I send the jobs out to.
I'm doing the same thing now.

Personally, I had the client buy his domain, but in a .info format.

Thus when the design is complete, I'll simply change the .info to .com in the database and be done with it!
Really easy, just add a folder on the same server called wp, or new, or whatever the hell you want. Install wordpress and go nuts, then when your ready to move it just go to settings, general, and change the site url. Follow the directions and your done, boom.
Really easy, just add a folder on the same server called wp, or new, or whatever the hell you want. Install wordpress and go nuts, then when your ready to move it just go to settings, general, and change the site url. Follow the directions and your done, boom.

This is your best bet
mate is its a serious business then i recommend dont do by own... ask for a professional bc transferring cause problem. Yeah that cool if you first design on wordpress and then go for the transfer ...
> change the site url. Follow the directions and your done, boom.

Does that handle all the internal links in posts too?

For instance, if he's used "/wp/images/image01.jpg" for his links,
then after moving the install to the root, they will need to be changed to:

Does wordpress take care of that these days?
Or do you still need to run a find/replace query?
The easiest way to migrate a wordpress blog is to use WP-Twin. It will clone everything (theme, plugins, posts etc).