Most Overlooked Typo In A Domain

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New member
Sep 29, 2006
How many of you go to a website by typing the domain? I'm guilty of typing it all the time. Bookmarks? Pfft! And while a lot of domains allow you to leave off www., they are not forgiving if you type ww. or even w. or even too many wwwwwwwwwwwww's..... ;-)

Yet, it is a very simple fix to make sure anyone typing ww. or w. or even wwww. can still get to your website. You can set up multiple A records via DNS or you can do a CNAME to www or even a 301. The thing about these often fat fingered domains is as the website owner you have to actually think about doing it.

Of course, this would only apply to real sites and not arbitrage pages, but enough people here have content sites, I thought it would be a good thing to bring up.

Now, here is where I come at you with a disclaimer. I am not a SEO expert, but each one of those ways carries different weight from a Search Engine standpoint. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the best way to do it without suffering a penalty from the search engines for multiple content is to do a 301 permanent redirect for each subdomain.

It's a simple little thing that will make sure people get to your site, even if they screw up the easiest part of the domain.

Actually roadie, .htaccess can do a 301 redirect on a subdomain and my understanding from an SEO standpoint is it is the correct way to do this. However, you would have to do a wildcard setting via DNS. I'm just not sure how it will affect you for SEO.
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