Most expensive click

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Oct 26, 2006
It's been a while than I did arbitrage but I just happened to stumbleupon (get it? funny.. yea, i know) to this blog post that said that christmas presents is one of the highest bidded keywords in Adwords. I highly doubt that...

So does anybody have a fact what's the most expensive click today? :)

im gona go out on a whim and say seriously when you're half asleep 'click' really looks like 'dick' which means you were asking for the 'most expensive dick' which I had come up with a really good come back, which is now wasted.

Well, that and "fleshlights"

You should be able to search it, but it is meso, asbestos cancer stuff and auto accident attorney stuff that I've seen on lists.
DUI Attorney related keywords are often high up on the list.

Excuse me, I have to go pick up some more beer.
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