More reasons not to use IE

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On the other hand, I can't get Chrome or Firefox to populate saved name and password fields for me. Why even ask if I want to save the password? Are you just taking a poll?

It's annoying after a while.

I use all three, been playing with Chrome since I put my new computer together. I don't think I like it as much as FF.
Oh come on now.

If MS came up with the perfect tool for you to use to make money, you'd use it, right? You wouldn't shoot yourself in the foot just because you didn't like some of their business practices, would you?

That's like saying you won't ever go back to Vietnam because someone once stabbed you there.

I only need 1 reason not to use IE.....That Reason Is.....

It Was Made By Microsoft...
Oh come on now.

If MS came up with the perfect tool for you to use to make money, you'd use it, right? You wouldn't shoot yourself in the foot just because you didn't like some of their business practices, would you?

That's like saying you won't ever go back to Vietnam because someone once stabbed you there.

I know some vets that hang out by the freeway off-ramps that wouldn't go back to Vietnam for similar reasons.
i've been having a problem with IE7 in Vista. .. it freezes after a while. Especially when i have too many sites open at once (multi tasking) I gotta make a switch to FF.
IE and Firefox have both had, and will continue to have issues. Sometimes they get publicized and I have to agree on one point, MS takes forever to patch things. I don't know if it's because they have huge testing phases or something but shit, they leave those gaping holes wide open for a few months sometimes.

Personally I use FF because I couldn't live without certain plug-ins, I would simply die.

They are the following,
-AdBlock Plus (omg, no ads)
-Web developper(it does the functions that 20 different plug-ins could be made for and a huge time saver.)
-DownloadThemAll! (think along the lines of "right-click" "save all" and 20 pictures are insta saved in a directory of your choosing
-NoScript (this is your condom for when you wander down dark-alleys on the intertubes, you never know what D.T.D's(digitally transmitted diseases) you will get.)
If you guys would like to download any of them, you can search those names here. (not a roll, I promise)
On the other hand, I can't get Chrome or Firefox to populate saved name and password fields for me. Why even ask if I want to save the password? Are you just taking a poll?

It's annoying after a while.

I use all three, been playing with Chrome since I put my new computer together. I don't think I like it as much as FF.

Been using Firefox forever, and yes it does it.
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