more media bias


fear not
Apr 12, 2012
at this point, any reporter worth their salt would ask the president:

1) you openly supported the Occupy movement,

2) the Occupy movement was clearly caught trying to execute a domestic terrorist attack just like this in Cleveland less than a year ago,

3) do you still openly support domestic terrorism?

of course, we know this line of questioning will never be pursued because obama is god, and the media is a fucking joke.

At least be thankful that you live in America.

The Occupy movement or a select amount of people who consider themselves to be a part of it? The caught guys you speak of also considered themselves to be "anarchists."

Democrats, Republicans, Catholics, vegetarians, and video game players have plotted terrorism, also.

Association fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its true, the bombers caught today could have been xbox players and maybe they avoided red meat; then again, they weren't in obvious concert with a planned OWS rally.

association fallacy, LOL. the only people who'd claim that are those desperate to do so.
The Occupy movement or a select amount of people who consider themselves to be a part of it? The caught guys you speak of also considered themselves to be "anarchists."

Democrats, Republicans, Catholics, vegetarians, and video game players have plotted terrorism, also.

Association fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OWS... legit because somebody in their ranks someplace is sane, and everyone else is just an association fallacy.

sounds like a bumper sticker.

imagine the boston bombings had been proceeded by a threat from OWS that there would be carnage at the Boston Marathon (as they did in cleveland). the bomb goes off, and events proceed as they did... you're claiming that any link to OWS would have been "association fallacy"?

if not for FBI intervention, this is the cleveland scenario... and the media completely ignores obama's open support of this group. but there's no media bias, not at all.
its true, the bombers caught today could have been xbox players and maybe they avoided red meat; then again, they weren't in obvious concert with a planned OWS rally.

List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at all the crimes committed by Democrat and Republican leaders. Is the media suppose to ask Obama, Boehner, and all Americans registered with those two parties if they support all those crimes?

Even if we only focus on voters of the individual politicians, if one of those politicians commits rape, are we suppose to assume that the voters approve of rape?

association fallacy, LOL. the only people who'd claim that are those desperate to do so.


Zitt stressed the Occupy Cleveland movement is dedicated to non-violence. He said if they had known Hayne and the other four men were considering terrorism, they would have thrown them out.

"These people participated in aspects of the movement, but once we discovered what was going on we decided they could not be part of it," Zitt said. "I wish we had learned earlier."

OWS... legit because somebody in their ranks someplace is sane


and everyone else is just an association fallacy.

Fallacies are errors in reasoning, not people.

imagine the boston bombings had been proceeded by a threat from OWS that there would be carnage at the Boston Marathon (as they did in cleveland). the bomb goes off, and events proceed as they did... you're claiming that any link to OWS would have been "association fallacy"?

Who is they? 5 people? Even if it was every member of OWS in Cleveland, it would still be an association fallacy by definition to infer from that all "members" nationwide support the actions.

if not for FBI intervention, this is the cleveland scenario... and the media completely ignores obama's open support of this group. but there's no media bias, not at all.

Obama much more so openly supports the Democrat party, which in total has numerous incidents of members who committed practically every crime in the book. OWS is way more of a splintered, disorganized group.

This same type of guilt by association stuff was used against Ron Paul. Also, Timothy McVeigh was supposedly a Libertarian voting, NRA member, and at least a few people have pointed those things out to try to discredit everyone in those groups.
your argument, boiled down = obama supports and opposes things, things equal everything, thus one can't say obama's for or against anything. plus some memes thrown in.

that's wicked sharp.
your argument, boiled down = obama supports and opposes things, things equal everything, thus one can't say obama's for or against anything. plus some memes thrown in.

that's wicked sharp.