Monetizing My Hair Transplant?

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008
Ok, so long story short – I am getting a minor hair transplant done in the fall. Cost will be about $3000.

Obviously, I want to try and recoup some of this cost and have been brainstorming ideas. There seems to be some pretty creative and experienced people here, so I thought I would make a post and maybe get some opinions, advice, and of course some comic relief from members whose active brain cell count is lower than their age…

Anyways, on to the specifics.

The medical condition is called “Triangular Alopecia” or “Temporal Alopecia”. It has an 0.11% occurrence in general population, in most people it shows up from when they are born. Pretty much, there is just a circular bald spot on one or both of your temples. So, it is not really hair loss per say, but just, “Hair doesn’t grow there”. It happens in both men and women, I am not sure what the gender breakdown is.

It is generally fixed by grafting. They take hair follicles out of the back of your head (Which is apparently resistant to balding) and they stick it in the bald spot. It usually works.

Here’s what I plan on doing…

- Obviously, a basic site describing the condition, what is is, how it is fixed, etc.

- A section where I take before photos, and then a series of after photos. Sort of like a chronicle. (It apparently takes about 9 months for the hair to reach full maturity, but for the first month or so there should be scabbing and some gross stuff like that which will make for some good content and really educate the reader on the process and the realities of a hair transplant)

- Maybe some product reviews on special shampoo or something like that.
But, when it comes to actual monetization, I am a little stuck. Heres what I have so far.

First, adwords. I don’t know how much clicks are paying, but I don’t really like this model.

Next, lead gen. I have never really done lead gen before, but since this surgery is happening in August, I have a lot of time to learn the fundamentals and figure it all out.

In terms of lead gen, here is my train of thought…

Option 1 – Build one site, capture leads, make sure I get geo information, and then find hair transplant doctors in those specific areas and try to sell them the leads. The problem with this is that it will probably be a slow trickle and more effort than it’s worth.

Option 2 – Build 10 unique sites (obviously, make the “hair transplant chronicle” images look different, different angles, unique wording, etc so people don’t know it is my head) and register with geo specific domains like , and so on, (all around major cities in USA) and find one of two doctors in those areas and try to get some volume there.

Option 3 – Take as many unique photos of my hair transplant as possible and stockpile them. (Eg Before, 1 day after, 5 days after, 1 month, 2 month, etc as a whole set.) I Figure I could probably get at least 30 sets with different angles, lighting, etc so they look unique. Approach doctors who do this procedure, show them a sample site, and then sell them a lead gen site with my photos, story, and a lead gen system built in, and then they own the whole system and can do what they want with it. Even 15 sites at $400 is a pretty good return after my costs have been covered.

I know I am rambling on, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice, opinions, etc on this. As I stated before, I have never done lead gen, let alone medical lead gen and still have a lot to learn, so any help would be appreciated.

Stop thinking small. If you do something, think big. Either become the biggest source of Cosmetic Male surgery, or don't do it.

Small, petty minded projects keep people busy, and may put food on your plate, but it won't make you rich. What do you want to do? Be rich or work hard for chump-change?
What do you want to do?

I think OP really just wants to stop being mistaken for Kojak.


That being said, journal/diary type content can be really powerful if you update it regularly.
What do you want to do? Be rich or work hard for chump-change?

Well, i'll be 100% honest - as of now I just want to recoup some of the $3000+ cost of the transplant so it won't totally be out of pocket.

As I stated before, I have never done lead gen so I am not sure where this can go...
That being said, journal/diary type content can be really powerful if you update it regularly.

Yea, but after the first few weeks, it is just like...well...watching hair grow. The real "action" type stuff only happens at the beginning. (Scabs, blood, etc)
Well, i'll be 100% honest - as of now I just want to recoup some of the $3000+ cost of the transplant so it won't totally be out of pocket.

As I stated before, I have never done lead gen so I am not sure where this can go...

If you want to offset the costs; then work on building a real business. Then $3k won't seem as so much.
If you want to offset the costs; then work on building a real business. Then $3k won't seem as so much.

Ok then, real business question...

How would I do a large lead gen operation when the doctors performing the surgery have to be close to the patient? A lead from New Mexico is no good for a doctor in New York.

I guess it would depend on the actual volume of potential leads generated, but some sort of centralized system that distributes leads based on geographical location?

I.e Build a database of doctors who perform this surgery from locations all over the country and get them to sign up to this lead gen program.

Lead submits information to main site. Based on Geo information, the lead gets automatically forwarded to the doctor(s) nearest to them, and then if it works out, I get paid?

Would a doctor in some obscure place sign up for a program that only brings them a few leads per year?

Am I on the right track?
aren't there any large hair transplant clinics that have franchises all over the country? That's the ones you should be approaching. They have large marketing budgets and they'd be easier to work with than a small time clinic in the middle of nowhere.
aren't there any large hair transplant clinics that have franchises all over the country?

Yea, you would think, but I can't seem to find any "chain" of hair transplant clinics. I think it is like with dentists, plastic surgeons, and other similar professions - most of it is individuals who maybe have 3 offices max.
Yea, but after the first few weeks, it is just like...well...watching hair grow. The real "action" type stuff only happens at the beginning. (Scabs, blood, etc)

After the first few weeks, you start offering daily anecdotes about how much more confident you are, how many women have thrown themselves at your feet, how many promotions you've gotten at work...etc...etc...

Make it a story people want to read.

The entire project can be a gigantic push for a CPA offer if you do it right.
Yea, you would think, but I can't seem to find any "chain" of hair transplant clinics. I think it is like with dentists, plastic surgeons, and other similar professions - most of it is individuals who maybe have 3 offices max.

You must not be searching too hard then...
After the first few weeks, you start offering daily anecdotes about how much more confident you are, how many women have thrown themselves at your feet, how many promotions you've gotten at work...etc...etc...

Make it a story people want to read.

The entire project can be a gigantic push for a CPA offer if you do it right. mind is stimulated
Ok then, real business question...

How would I do a large lead gen operation when the doctors performing the surgery have to be close to the patient? A lead from New Mexico is no good for a doctor in New York.

I guess it would depend on the actual volume of potential leads generated, but some sort of centralized system that distributes leads based on geographical location?

I.e Build a database of doctors who perform this surgery from locations all over the country and get them to sign up to this lead gen program.

Lead submits information to main site. Based on Geo information, the lead gets automatically forwarded to the doctor(s) nearest to them, and then if it works out, I get paid?

Would a doctor in some obscure place sign up for a program that only brings them a few leads per year?

Am I on the right track?

Start small, but point big. Say make a website for for this type of lead gen. Make it a review site; or something that brings value. Make it so it can be national, but start with a city or state. Dominate that. If successful, replicate.

I'm not saying you have to invest everything you have. Just be serious about it. Treat it as a business. And always point high. Notice how I said 'Male Cosmetic Surgery', not just hair. For example you create

Then you can have a section for Hair transplatns, then a section for hair transplants in state, then your city. Start with that and keep the rest undeveloped. If the city works, move out to the state, if the state works, move out to the country, if the country works, do other forms of male beauty enhacements. This is just an example, but it is to give an idea.
You must not be searching too hard then...

Well, I did just do a simple search because this is still in the preliminary stages, but I couldn't find anyone with more than 4 offices in a pretty condensed geographical area...

Edit: Just found Hairclub
Yea, you would think, but I can't seem to find any "chain" of hair transplant clinics. I think it is like with dentists, plastic surgeons, and other similar professions - most of it is individuals who maybe have 3 offices max.

You're KIDDING ME right?

Is your GOOGLE broken?

10 seconds and here's what I got.

BTW, you're welcome.

Bosley Medical Office Maps - Locations Worldwide

Oh, and in the same search here's a guy doing what you're thinking of.

Bosley | Bosley Hair Restoration | Free Bosley Info Kit


$3000 sounds a lot, FUE I assume?

Have you done your research on the surgeon?
Hey dude,

You might want to check out You would be surprised at the number of people who get HTs that end up regretting it years later.

A strip scar ain't worth it IMO. I just shave my head at a 1 guard.