Monetize this bitch.

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My Internet is Broken
Sep 26, 2006
Hey Jon,

These forums are fucking great, but I'm waiting to see how (if?) you are planning on monetizing them. I know I've seen a few posts about creating a members-only section (which I'd pay for), but other than that, I haven't seen anything.

You've put a lot of time into the forums, and I know they are eating up bandwidth - so what's the deal? When are you going to monetize this bitch? I'll be watching intently so I can figure out how to actually win at forums, which would be nice given my track record :censure:

Probably adware and 10-15 porno pop unders ;)

Haha, yeah...

To me, it seems like the subscription method would be the best route to go, and other than that, I've seen forums use mods to drop Adsense/YPN/Chitika ads between posts. Do those work well?
I'm sorry, you must be looking for

Not so much, really.

If I was the admin of WF, I would feel like an ass if I dropped google ads all over the forums -- I'd feel like I was weakening the user experience, plus they make forums look like shit imho. With the subscription method, not everyone is going to sign up... I guess what I'm getting at is preserving the user experience (read: not piss members off) and still make money?
Not so much, really.

If I was the admin of WF, I would feel like an ass if I dropped google ads all over the forums -- I'd feel like I was weakening the user experience, plus they make forums look like shit imho. With the subscription method, not everyone is going to sign up... I guess what I'm getting at is preserving the user experience (read: not piss members off) and still make money?

I was kidding :thumbsup:
This forum wouldn't make shit anyhow if it was monetized. Think DruSam is going to be clicking all day long on these ads, he's too busy clicking his own.
This forum wouldn't make shit anyhow if it was monetized. Think DruSam is going to be clicking all day long on these ads, he's too busy clicking his own.
I'm suing for you libel, you freakin charlatan. :nopenope:
You should have a secret podcast you charge a monthly fee for, and then forums for that secret podcast, and give it some really silly name that sounds cool to a 12 year old.
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