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New member
Mar 9, 2009
So, we've all clicked MakeMoniesOnline before. I sometimes get my roommates with it and shit. One of my roommates said that he would gladly pay $0.50 to $1.00 to "buy protection" from MakeMoniesOnline -- a cookie, IP check, etc., that would make sure that he couldn't get hit with it b/c I keep doing it to him. He suggested that whoever owns MakeMonies throw up some Ajax popup or whatnot that's like "want this to go away for good? enter your CC # and pay $1 and this horrible dick site will close and you will be protected for good from any future links here"

Obviously if someone clears their cookies or changes IP it wont help...

Just figured I'd share this somewhat amusing idea.

To see how this would be applicable, feel free to check out where you could fit such a popup the Make Money Online site layout.

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