Monetising city specific art traffic?


New member
May 31, 2011
I bought a dropped domain a few months ago and only just developed.

After putting a few pieces of content on it, it jumped immediately to #2 for 18k and 11k exact match terms as well as #3 for a couple of 5k terms (CPC around $1.40). It's currently getting around 2000 visitors per month.

I want to monetise the traffic but I cant think how. It's all city specific art related traffic. Things like:

(city) art museum
art in (city)
(city) arts museum

Any ideas for affiliates I could go after? I was thinking maybe tourism?

Groupon is the first thing that came to my mind. But I don't know if that still pays a good EPC i.e. is it saturated yet? has an affiliate program through CJ as well as a few of their competitors. I would try pimping wall art or maybe art supplies. has an affiliate program through CJ as well as a few of their competitors. I would try pimping wall art or maybe art supplies.

Wicked mate. Thanks for the heads up. What's CJ?

@Benj - I hadn't thought of that. I'll try them out and see what I can come up with. I think they'd be great because the people looking at the site are looking for a major tourist attraction.